int latchPin = 5;
int dataPin = 4;
int clockPin = 6;
const float segSpeed = .05; //How quickly to flash each led segment.
const int digLoop = 100; //How many times to repeat the segment sequence.
const int nextPin = 200; //Delay before moving to the next digit on the display.
const int repeatSeq = 300; //Delay before starting over from the first digit.
const int pinArray[4] = {3, 9, 10, 11}; //Defines PWM pins, the pins that activate each digiti.
const int digArray[11][9] = {
{127, 191, 223, 239, 247, 251, 255, 254, 255}, //0: 127 top led segment
{255, 191, 223, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255}, //1: 191 top right seg
{127, 191, 255, 239, 247, 255, 253, 254, 255}, //2: 255 is NO segment
{127, 191, 223, 239, 255, 255, 253, 254, 255}, //3: 223 bottom right seg
{255, 191, 223, 255, 255, 251, 253, 254, 255}, //4:
{127, 255, 223, 239, 255, 251, 253, 254, 255}, //5: 239 bottom seg
{127, 191, 223, 239, 247, 255, 253, 254, 255}, //6: 247 bottom left seg
{127, 191, 223, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255}, //7:
/*Example for the number 7:
* 127: |_ON |
* 251:OFF ON:191
* 253: OFF | |
* 247:OFF ON:223
* 239: OFF |_|
{127, 191, 223, 239, 247, 251, 253, 254, 255}, //8: 251 top left seg
{127, 191, 223, 239, 255, 251, 253, 254, 255}, //9: 253 center seg
{255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255}, //DP: Decimal Point seg
const int arrHeight = 9; // (0-9) 9 displays digits 0-9.
const int arrWidth = 6; // (0-8) how many segments from each row to use. 7 will add the decimal row.
void setup() {
//Serial.begin(9600); //which port to output serial display data. unused. slows display down.
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { //cycles through all PWM pins
for (int k = 0; k <= arrHeight; k++) { //cycles through countTo number of digArray rows
analogWrite((pinArray[i]), 255); //turns PWM pin(i) on
for (int h = 0; h <= digLoop; h++) { //how many times to cycle through columns
for (int j = 0; j <= arrWidth; j++) { //cycles through all displayed column data
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, digArray[k][j]);
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
delay(segSpeed); //delay until next segment displayed sequence
analogWrite((pinArray[i]), 0); //turns PWM pin(i) off
delay(nextPin); //delay until next displayed digit sequence
delay(repeatSeq); //delay until everything is started over again
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