Published © MIT

RFID Badge Logger Embedded Micro-controller: Check-In / Out

RFID data sent over WiFi to web server then saved in SQL database for COVID-19 positive staff tracking using RC522 badge scanner.

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RFID Badge Logger Embedded Micro-controller: Check-In / Out

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ThingPulse ePulse – Low Power ESP32 development board
1 of 3 boards supported; only 1 is needed to complete this project
Note there are different types of RFID readers. This project uses the MFRC522 chip for 13.56MHz contactless communications with MIFARE cards and keyrings.
Project Box - ABS Plastic IP65 Universal Electrical Box Project Enclosure with Fixed Ear 3.9 x 2.68 x 1.97 inch (100 x 68 x 50 mm)
Consider mounting ear requirement, and space to use USB cable housing as strain relief. See assembly instructions.
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
1 of 3 boards supported; only 1 is needed to complete this project
ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E
1 of 3 boards supported; only 1 is needed to complete this project
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
1 of many power options: For use when connecting device to computer or USB power dongle; see alternative USB Power supply
Adafruit USB Power Supply Micro USB
1 of many power options: for use with AC power only; see alternative USB cable only.

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio with the Visual Micro extension is optional, but requires the Arduino IDE to also be installed
Visual Micro Arduino IDE for Visual Studio
Visual Studio with the Visual Micro extension is optional, but requires the Arduino IDE to also be installed
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
The Arduino IDE is required regardless of whether Visual Studio and Visual Micro used or not

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill / Driver, Cordless
Drill / Driver, Cordless
a single, typically 1/8 inch hole needs to be drilled.


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Wiring Diagram

ThingPulse ESP32 connections to RFID Board

RFID Picture

wiring connection picture of RFID board

ThingPulse ESP32 Picture

wiring connection picture of ESP32 board



RFID Logger on GitHub

RFID Enclosure Assembly

Pictures of assembling the RFID Logger into a projejct box


2 projects • 2 followers
B.S. Electronic Engineering from @calpoly; Senior Software Engineer @ Day Job
