Alexa, the eyes for the blind. Let me explain how this alexa will be the eyes for the blinds.
Alexa is a talking computer, its skills and specifications are marvellous.
This alexa is connected with the camera which is installed in blind's cooling glasses.
When a blind wants to know, what happens at his/her surrounding at a public place, blind can simply click the camera shutter button, and the photo is captured and alexa image processes it and tells to the blind.
Alexa tells the blind at any moment what's going on around you.
When the blind talks to the bigger group, sometimes you can talk and talk, and there's no response and you think "is everyone listening really well or they half asleep?" and you never know. this alexa will take snapshots of the people and let's you know what's the reaction of the listeners whether they are surprised or other emotions and what was the gender and age was the listener which is incredible.
When the blind goes to a restaurant, this Alexa will capture the restaurant menu and read it out for the blind to order the menu. While capturing the snapshot of the menu, the alexa will guide you to position the camera to snapshot correctly.
Since artificial intelligence is increasing day by day, and this could be an one part of it.
I think this is just a beginning.