The CHPC is a minimal cost heat pump (HP) controller, which can be used as provided, or can be adopted to nearly all use cases due to open source nature.
Real life installation:Works from ground heat collectors (loops) to radiant in-floor heating systems.
- EEV,
- Heat pump compressor (1kW electrical power),
- Circulating pumps,
- Sump heater.
Temperature sensors installed:
- Before/after evaporator,
- Cold in/cold out,
- Hot in (used as target)/hot out,
- Outdoor temperature,
- Sump.
Controlled via both RS-485 and 16x2 display with buttons.
Photos:17 May, 2019: PCB 1.3 tested, assembly instructions added.
- 13 Apr, 2019: EEV support development started.
- 16 Apr, 2019: Standalone EEV (no thermostat) with only 2 T sensors written and debugged.
- 30 Apr, 2019: HP system updated to CHPC.
- 01 May, 2019: CHPC fully tested and released.
- 02 May, 2019: PCB rev.1.3 coming up, main feature: lot of DS18B20 inputs.
Brief: Precision thermostat. Simple and cheap. Only 1 relay and 1 temperature sensor required.Application examples: Room heat control. Chicken coop climate control. Distillation column. Else.
2. Heat pump (HP) controllerBrief: Heat pump controller. Controller drives HP system components: compressor, cold and hot side Circulating Pumps (CP). Protects system from overload, overheat and freezing up. Drives EEV to optimize HP running conditions. Application examples: DIY heat pump system. Repair module for commercial system .Water heater, house heating systems and same. Available protections: Compressor: cold start or overheat. Discharge and suction lines protection. Short-term power loss. Anti-freeze. Power overload protection. Others.
3. EEV controllerBrief: EEV driver, no relays. Requires 2 T sensors. Application examples: Upgrade your system from capilary tube to EEV. Available protections: Protects from liquid at suction line by design.
For more information about heat pumps look at Wikipedia about HP.
Features:Takes care of system components health
- Up to 13 T sensors (see "T sensors abbreviations" for full list)
- 5 relays (Compressor, Hot CP or Air Fun, Cold CP or Air Fun, Sump Heater, 4-way valve)
- 4 inputs
- 5/6 pin EEV connection
- 1602 display support
- RS-485 or Serial (UART 5V) support
- Automatically turns on/of system when heating required
None: Target temperature uploaded to board with firmware and cannot be changed. System used as fixed thermostat. Target temperature can be changed later with firmware re-upload.0.96 OLED or 1602 LCD screen + buttons: Simple, local screen controlled system. Remote control is not possible. Remote computer terminal over RS-485 line. Target temperature and running conditions under remote control. User can get stats from all T sensors. Up to 1.2 kilometer line.* Remote automated control/stats via RS-485. Firmware was written with Python scripting in mind (and real scripts at prototype 485 network). Both screen + buttons and RS-485. Combination allowed.
* RS-485 specification. Hardware test succeeded on 400 meters line.
Example: day/night setpoint control and data visualisation with "pythonic rs485" way
Only 1 relay: drives electric heater (any)
"Heat pump" capillary tube, TXV, EEV:5 relays, drives all you need:
4-way Valve (support coming up: autumn 2019)
- Compressor (can be used as external relay driver for High Power systems)
- Cold circulating pump (CP)
- Hot CP
- Sump heater (optional, recommended for outdoor HP installations)
3 sensors needed for "HP with EEV" (absolute minimum scheme)
- Up to 13 temperature sensors can be connected to CHPC to control all processes that you want.
- Only 1 sensor needed for "Thermostat" or "Heat Pump capillary/TXV"
- Actual versions:
- Download PCB gerber file,
- Order electronic components, see BOM (Bill Of Materials) list, CHPC_v1.x_PCB_BOM.htmlinstall firmware CHPC_firmware.ino
- Search Google where to order PCB or make your own at CNC machine
- Solder, assembly instructions here
- Install CHPC at your system
- Enjoy
Somephotos, older revisions and prototypes:
PCB v1.1
EEV development started here.
Prototype 1. History, but worked well for a season.
More info and sources here:
Author:gonzho АТ (c) 2018-2019
If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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