Using the XIAO ESP32C6 and a relay with Zigbee to control a single-color LED strip in HomeAssistant💡
Automated Home using Raspberry Pi 2 (Windows 10 IoT Core) and Arduino.
Work your garage door from your Phone, Apple Watch, or based on the proximity to your house!
How to control several roller shutters with inexpensive relay boards (not ruining them) with physical buttons and remotely simultaneously.
Use the IO Expander and Relay Expander with the Arduino to control up to 65,280 relays!
Replace your sprinkler controller with a simple and inexpensive Raspberry Pi, web page-based system.
Controlling a car using a Pebble watch, an Android phone and an Arduino
Open, close and monitor your garage door via the web and openHAB
Control 256 relays! Seeing is believing!
This doorbell can operate without touch the switch.
Upgrading an old thermostat to a smart system featuring an HTTP server on a Raspberry Pi and a mesh network of ESP32 thermometers.
You can easily control light, fan, and other home appliances with the voice commands using the NodeMCU and Relay module.
This project shows communication between Raspberry pi nodes in a cluster using the message passing interface library standard.
PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small
How to make LAN/Ethernet relay switch using Arduino UNO and ethernet shield ENC28j60.
Use your android smartphone to open and close your garage door reliably (Under Development)
Use a Electret Mic to turn a light on and off.
Want to control every device from everywhere with a mobile phone or PC just for $5? Follow this ready-to-use guide!
For controlling Arduino via Bluetooth here’s a simple, basic and functional app.
This Arduino-based machine will always prepare perfect Argentine mate (traditional infused drink).
Arduino powered thermostat and fan controller with overheating alarm.
Use your Smartphone to turn power on/off.
This system measures the Soil Moisture, Soil Humidity & Surrounding Temperature & works accordingly.
I played smartphone games with a relay touch board.