Published © GPL3+

Blinking LED & Low-Code: Arduino/ESP8266 and Hackeet Basics

Blink an LED from your smartphone without any coding thanks to Hackeet, a private-by-design low-code application development platform.

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Application Hackeet Diagram




Settings.h example

The following configuration is an example of a Settings.h file used for an ESP8266 connected to a local network called sample_network using connection security key security_key_example
//                            BOARD SETTINGS                                     //
// Specify here the type of board you're using and your credentials to connect   //
// the board to network using Wifi                                               //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Settings                                                                      //
// --------                                                                      //
//                                                                               //                                             
// Set Board macro to :                                                          //
//     Arduino_Uno when using Hackeet with an Arduino Uno board                  //
//     Esp8266 when using Hackeet with an ESP8266 board                          //
//                                                                               //
// Set Wifi_Enabled to :                                                         //
//     0 to disable Wifi                                                         //
//     1 to enable Wifi                                                          //
// Note : When Board is set to Esp8266, Wifi is always enabled                   //
//                                                                               //
// Compilation Notes :                                                           //
// -------------------                                                           //
//  Set your Arduino IDE Board option                                            //
//          - Arduino/Genuino Uno when compiling for Arduino                     //
//          - NodeMCU 1.0(ESP-12E  Module) when compiling for NodeMCU Esp8266    //
#define Board Esp8266
#define Wifi_Enabled 1
#define Baud_Rate 9600
char ssid[] = "sample_network";
char pass[] = "security_key_example";
int port = 80;

Application Configuration File Example

Settings and User Interface definition for the application.
You can copy and past it directly in the configuration file of your application.
		"title":"Title of your web service here",
		"description":"Description of the web service here",
		"license":"Link to the web service license file"
				"id": "screen_1",
				"title": "The Switch Element",
				"widgets": [
						"id": "widget_1",
						"io": "Commands",
						"field": "led",
						"type": "switch",
						"on": "Turn On",
						"off": "Turn Off",
						"label": "LED #1"


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A Cost-Effective Low-Code platform, for makers, citizen developers and IT experts
