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HackeetFlavie & Lou
Published © GPL3+

A Voice-Activated Weather Station with LEGO and Low-Code

Use LEGO bricks and Hackeet Low-Code platform to build a voice-activated weather station that respects your privacy.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours3,079

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
ULN2003 Motor Driver Board & 28BYJ-48 5V Stepper Motor
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
LEGO Creator 3 in 1 - Modular Sweet Surprises
LEGO Brick Box
Adafruit Mini USB Microphone
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Hackeet Low-Code Platform
Snips.ai Voice Recognition platform
OpenWeatherMap REST API


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Custom parts and enclosures

Pedestal Sketchup Files

A project file to open with Sketchup.


Circuit Diagrams

Fritzing project.

Mounting of stepper motor #1

Mounting of stepper motor #2

Stepper motor connection to the rotating platform #1

Stepper motor connection to the rotating platform #2


An Example of Configuration File

"title":"Title of your web service here",
"description":"Description of the web service here",
"license":"Link to the web service license file"
"CategoriesFile" : "/home/pi/Hackeet/applications/LEGOWeatherStation/data/categories.json",
"City" : "Paris",
"Country" : "FR",
"Key" : "a5e9f345c979b5173df0e06af77ba414",
"RefreshPeriodMinutes" : 5,
"ResetPeriodSec" : 20,
"ForecastDurationHours" : 0.5,
"NumberOfPositions" :4,
"StatusPin" : 40,
"SnipsInstance" : "",
"Demo" : 0,
"DebugFile" : 0
No preview (download only).




3 projects • 7 followers
A Cost-Effective Low-Code platform, for makers, citizen developers and IT experts
Flavie & Lou

Flavie & Lou

2 projects • 1 follower
