ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AT : https://highvoltages.co/tutorial/esp8266/nodemcu-connect-wifi-without-hard-coding-credentials/
Why Your IoT device is useless?Nodemcu WIFI without hardcoding credentials is a blog that can help you make NodeMCU IoT device professionally. let’s start with a story.
Suppose you have built an excellent and innovative IoT device using nodemcu or ESP8266 but you have hardcoded the credentials such as SSID and password.
It will work fine if the hardcoded network is available but if for some reason you take your device to somewhere else and the hardcoded credentials are not available then your IoT device will be useless.
Then you will have to to change the SSID and password in the code that means you will have to upload the code again and remember the credentials are case-sensitive so you have to be very careful if you want to save some extra time because uploading and the changing of the code is already gonna take some time so it can make you frustrated.
Nodemcu WIFI without hardcoding credentials Video TutorialMust do while making an IOT device with NodeMCU or esp8266But wait, I have a solution for you so in this Blog, ” Nodemcu WIFI without hardcoding credentials ” I am going to explain how to program an IOT device in such a way that can run anywhere.
and you will not have to worry if the network credentials are changing because you will not have to change the credentials in the code.
Config PortalsIn this tutorial, we are going to program nodmcu so we can get nice and clean HTML config portal from which we can easily change the credentials. So, we are going to program two types of portal.
AutoConnect Config PortalConfig portal will be automatically opened whenever it will not be able to connect to any available network. The NodeMCU autoconnect config portal is the best portal if you are not willing to change the credentials again and again and all it matters for you is the internet connectivity because it will open portal whenever it is failed to connect.
On Demand Config PortalYou can open config portal any time by using push button or any other trigger option. This type of config portal is the best option if you are willing to change the credentials many times and you use your device with number of network devices.
FOR COMPLETE TUTORIAL : https://highvoltages.co/tutorial/esp8266/nodemcu-connect-wifi-without-hard-coding-credentials/