In today's interconnected world, Wi-Fi plays a crucial role in our daily lives. In this post, we will explore how to create a Wi-Fi scanner using a D1 Mini board and an OLED display. This project allows you to scan for available Wi-Fi networks and display essential information on the OLED screen.
Building a Wi-Fi Scanner with OLED Display using D1 Mini- To Code a ESP8266/d1 mini use a esp8266 flasher
- The Flasher and Program files are in our GitHub to Download file (Click Here)
- Just press that green button and download as zip then extract it
- In this thing there is a 2 files here. just install it depend on your configuration
- Then open that esp8266 flasher it looks like this
- Go to the config option then press that first setting icon and choose our downloaded bin file (Wi-Fi scanner.bin) from our GitHub
- Then go back to that operation section. Now connect your d1 mini or any other esp8266 module after you plug in that you can see that Com port option appear choose your port and click flash button that is it!
- IF nothing is shown on that OLED display just press that reset button on your d1 mini board
By following this guide, you have successfully created a Wi-Fi scanner using the D1 Mini board and an OLED display. The project allows you to scan for Wi-Fi networks and display their information conveniently. You can further enhance this project by adding additional functionalities such as sorting the networks by signal strength or implementing a user interface for network selection.
Remember to refer to the full code and circuit diagram for a complete implementation. This Wi-Fi scanner project serves as an excellent learning opportunity to understand the basics of wireless networks, microcontroller programming, and working with displays.