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Ibrahim alnasser

PHPoc Blue to Control Door Knob by MQTT Protocol and Cortana

Programming a PHPoc Blue board to control a servo motor to rotate the knob of a door using MQTT Protocol through voice command.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)10 hours1,366
PHPoc Blue to Control Door Knob by MQTT Protocol and Cortana

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
Servo motor has to be with more 250 torque
PHPoC Blue
PHPoC Blue

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
PHPoC Debugger
PHPoC Debugger


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Connect the Servo motor with Board

simple diagram to connect the servo motor with board

the motor Connected

a photo after we connect the servo motor with PHPoc Blue Board


task0 file the main file

it used to program the board
//edited By ibrahim al nasser 2017
// this code originally from Phpoc website i edit this 
// to fit the requirements an also correct some errors
// from practical point of view
exit; // avoid php execution via http request

include_once "/lib/sn_dns.php";
include_once "/lib/vn_mqtt.php";
include_once "/lib/sd_340.php";

define("PWM_PERIOD", 20000); // 20000us (20ms)
define("WIDTH_MIN", 600);
define("WIDTH_MAX", 2450);
	uio_setup(0, 30, "out high");
uio_setup(0, 31, "out high");

	$flags = 0;
$angle = 0;

um_read(0, 0, $flags, 4); // read flags (offset 0, 32bit integer)
um_read(0, 4, $angle, 4); // read angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)
	ht_pwm_setup(0, (WIDTH_MIN + WIDTH_MAX) / 2, PWM_PERIOD, "us");

	$flags |= 0x00000001; // set init flag
	um_write(0, 0, int2bin($flags, 4)); // write flags (offset 0, 32bit integer)

	$angle = 90;
	um_write(0, 4, int2bin($angle, 4)); // write angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)

//$host_name = "test.mosquitto.org";
//$host_name = "iot.eclipse.org";
$host_name = "broker.hivemq.com";
//$host_name = "broker.mqttdashboard.com";
//$host_name = "[]";
$port = 1883;

mqtt_setup(0, "PHPoC-MQTT Sub Example",  $host_name, $port); 

$will_qos = 2;
$will_retain = true;
$will_topic = "disaster/tsunami";
$will_message = "Goodbye forever");
$will = array($will_qos, $will_retain, $will_topic, $will_message);
$will = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";

mqtt_connect(true, $will, $username, $password);

$out_topics = array(array("room/open", 1), array("room/close", 2));

$in_topic = "";
$in_content = "";
$is_retain = 0;

	while(mqtt_state() == MQTT_CONNECTED)
if(mqtt_state() == MQTT_DISCONNECTED)
		while(mqtt_reconnect() == false);
	uio_out(0, 31, LOW);
	if(mqtt_loop($in_topic, $in_content, $is_retain))
		//TODO , procees the received publish packet here
		if($is_retain == 1)
		//	echo "<<a stale message\r\n";
	uio_out(0, 30, LOW);
	//	echo "<<topic:$in_topic\r\n";
		echo "<<content: $in_content\r\n";
		uio_out(0, 30, HIGH);

	$delta = -180; // clock wise

	um_read(0, 4, $angle, 4); // read angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)

	$angle += $delta;

	if($angle > 180)
		$angle = 180;

	if($angle < 0)
		$angle = 0;

	um_write(0, 4, int2bin($angle, 4)); // write angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)

	$width = WIDTH_MIN + (int)round($angle / 180.0 * (WIDTH_MAX - WIDTH_MIN));

	ht_pwm_width(0, $width, PWM_PERIOD);

	$delta = 180; // clock wise
	um_read(0, 4, $angle, 4); // read angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)

	$angle += $delta;

	if($angle > 180)
		$angle = 180;

	if($angle < 0)
		$angle = 0;

	um_write(0, 4, int2bin($angle, 4)); // write angle (offset 4, 32bit integer)

	$width = WIDTH_MIN + (int)round($angle / 180.0 * (WIDTH_MAX - WIDTH_MIN));

	ht_pwm_width(0, $width, PWM_PERIOD);



to extend the cach memory in the board
tcp0_txbuf_size = 4096 ; SSL/TCP send buffer
tcp0_rxbuf_size = 4096 ; SSL/TCP send buffer
ssl0_rxbuf_size = 4096

init.php file

the initial file for the Phpoc Blue board
system("php task0.php")

Costum Cortana Commands Project

it used to program a specific commands through cortana


Ibrahim alnasser

Ibrahim alnasser

0 projects • 1 follower
a Master Student in Embedded Systems Program , in TU Chemnitz
