In the naval area, specifically in the offshore sector of oil and gas exploration, due to the Continuous growth of competition among companies, they seek to improve Its production in order to supply a demand and consequently to improve profit. In 1994 the Maritime Safety Committee adopted guidelines for the dynamic positioning of Vessels. In the face of the difficulties in this field, Maneuverability which can also be considered as a type of foundation. It's called "Dynamic positioning". In the maneuverability, the propellants Actuators have the function of improving the rotational movement of a vessel Practically stopped. Already in the works as a base, the system operates with forces contrary to the Forces acting on the vessel (wind, sea current, waves), Does not move from its initial position. However, this technology becomes viable Only for certain specific types of vessels.
The present work deals with a prototype with the objective of reducing the cost of manufacturing, Installation and apply improvements of the current mode of use of the positioning system Dynamics in boats.
Due to the relative scarcity in Brazil and, therefore, still little spread, the costs of For dynamic positioning are quite high. Consequently, the Market is restricted by the few people's abilities to have professional knowledge, With this companies pay dearly for these employees. However, this reality can be disturbed with solutions allied to a Dynamic positioning. Within this scenario, this work has the challenge of Present a simple prototype of improvement in the requirements.
1.2.1 General Objective The objective of this work is to develop a prototype DP system (Positioning Dynamic Positioning), using current technologies in order to reduce costs in the Manufacturing, reduce the weight of the equipment and improve, in general, its redundancy, Which is required by the international maritime rules and by all failure parameters and It is made.
1.2.2 Specific Objective This work has as specific objective, to aggregate the naval area of use tools, Thus developed a dynamic positioning prototype. In summary the objectives Are: • Clarify how a dynamic positioning system is used, by adding Professional experience and methodology; • Justify the use of new resources with the same function; • Demonstrate usefulness through simple case study; • Evaluate effectiveness.
This work is important, since it addresses issues related to a substitution of Current equipment and enables the inclusion of factories for vessels of all levels, Thus possibly reaching new markets. However, it will have a study with the Autonomous vessels that target the future of naval engineering.
The research began with the visualization of increased demand, opportunity for improvement In the naval segment with technological growth. According to the economic scenario Brazil does not have any factory that produces the type of Technology, with this the project deals with executed researches, in naval theories and Requirements of the use of dynamic positioning. The project is painstakingly about presenting technologies with low cost, better Than that applied to vessels. International safety guidelines are used along with new technologies, Find ways to reduce costs, improve dynamic positioning, and so on.
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