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Neeraj Rane
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Internet Speedometer

A fun way to monitor your internet traffic!

AdvancedFull instructions provided1,493
Internet Speedometer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
SparkFun I2C DAC Breakout - MCP4725
SparkFun I2C DAC Breakout - MCP4725

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Arduino Code

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP4725.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

WiFiUDP Udp;
Adafruit_MCP4725 dac;

const char* ssid = "WiFi_SSID";          //Enter your WiFi SSID
const char* password = "PASSWORD";    //Enter your WiFi password
int maxUploadSpeed = 1;               //Max upload speed (in Mbps) on the scale
int maxDownloadSpeed = 7;             //Max download speed (in Mbps) on the scale

double netSpeed = 0;
int selectSwitch = 14;
int dacValue = 0;
int lengthRead;
int const incomingBufferSize = 135;
char incomingPacket[incomingBufferSize];

int const requestSize = 42;
byte downloadRequestPacekt[requestSize] = { 0x30, // SNMP Message type = Sequence
                                         0x28, // SNMP Message Length = 40
                                         0x02, // Version Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Version Length = 1
                                         0x00, // Version Number = 0
                                         0x04, // SNMP Community String Type = Octet String
                                         0x06, // SNMP Community String Length = 6
                                         0x70, // p
                                         0x75, // u
                                         0x62, // b
                                         0x6C, // l
                                         0x69, // i
                                         0x63, // c
                                         0xA0, // SNMP PDU Type = GetRequest
                                         0x1B, // SNMP PDU Length = 27
                                         0x02, // Request ID Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Request ID Length = 1
                                         0x01, // Request ID Value = 1 
                                         0x02, // Error Tyne = Integer
                                         0x01, // Error Length = 1
                                         0x00, // Error Value = 0
                                         0x02, // Error Index Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Error Index Length  = 1
                                         0x00, // Error Index Value = 0
                                         0x30, // Varbind List Type = Sequence
                                         0x10, // Varbind List Length = 16
                                         0x30, // Varbind type = Sequence
                                         0x0E, // Varbind Length = 14
                                         0x06, // Object Identifier Type = Object Identifier
                                         0x0A, // Object Identifier Length = 10
                                         0x2B, // ISO.3
                                         0x06, // 6
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x0A, // 10 (Upload)
                                         0x0A, // 10 
                                         0x05, // Value Type = Null
                                         0x00 }; // Value Length = 0

byte uploadRequestPacekt[requestSize] = { 0x30, // SNMP Message type = Sequence
                                         0x28, // SNMP Message Length = 40
                                         0x02, // Version Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Version Length = 1
                                         0x00, // Version Number = 0
                                         0x04, // SNMP Community String Type = Octet String
                                         0x06, // SNMP Community String Length = 6
                                         0x70, // p
                                         0x75, // u
                                         0x62, // b
                                         0x6C, // l
                                         0x69, // i
                                         0x63, // c
                                         0xA0, // SNMP PDU Type = GetRequest
                                         0x1B, // SNMP PDU Length = 27
                                         0x02, // Request ID Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Request ID Length = 1
                                         0x02, // Request ID Value = 2 (Should be different for different request message)
                                         0x02, // Error Tyne = Integer
                                         0x01, // Error Length = 1
                                         0x00, // Error Value = 0
                                         0x02, // Error Index Type = Integer
                                         0x01, // Error Index Length = 1
                                         0x00, // Error Index Value = 0
                                         0x30, // Varbind List Type = Sequence
                                         0x10, // Varbind List Length = 16
                                         0x30, // Varbind Type = Sequence
                                         0x0E, // Varbind Length = 14
                                         0x06, // Object Identifier Type = Object Identifier
                                         0x0A, // Object Identifier Length = 10
                                         0x2B, // ISO.3
                                         0x06, // 6
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x02, // 2
                                         0x01, // 1
                                         0x10, // 16
                                         0x0A, // 10
                                         0x05, // Value Type = Null
                                         0x00 }; // Value Length = 0

unsigned long uploadValueLast = 0;
unsigned long downloadValueLast = 0;
unsigned long uploadTimeLast = 0;
unsigned long downloadTimeLast = 0;
unsigned long millisLast = 0;

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  pinMode(selectSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  unsigned long millisNow = millis();
  if((millisNow - millisLast) > 500){
    if(digitalRead(selectSwitch) == LOW){
    millisLast = millisNow;

void sendUploadRequest() {
  Udp.beginPacket(IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), 161);
  Udp.write(uploadRequestPacekt, requestSize);
  //Serial.println("Download Request Sent");

void sendDownloadRequest() {
  Udp.beginPacket(IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), 161);
  Udp.write(downloadRequestPacekt, requestSize);
  //Serial.println("Upload Request Sent");

int checkForReply(unsigned long inNow) {
  if (Udp.parsePacket()>0) {
    lengthRead = Udp.read(incomingPacket, incomingBufferSize);
    Udp.read(incomingPacket, incomingBufferSize);
    //printResponse();                            //Uncomment to see the response
    int pointer = 49;                             //49th byte tells the length of data 
    int dataLength = incomingPacket[pointer];
    pointer += 1;
    unsigned long value = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
      value = (value<<8) | incomingPacket[pointer + i];
    netSpeed = (double) 8/1000 * (value-uploadValueLast) / (inNow-uploadTimeLast);
    uploadValueLast = value;
    uploadTimeLast = inNow;
  return false; 

void updateMeter(){
  double rate = netSpeed * 100;
  int netSpeedInt = (int)rate;
  if(digitalRead(selectSwitch) == LOW){
    dacValue = map(netSpeedInt, 0, maxUploadSpeed*100, 100, 4095);
    dacValue = map(netSpeedInt, 0, maxDownloadSpeed*100, 100, 4095);
  dac.setVoltage(dacValue, false);

void printResponse(){
  for(int i = 0; i < lengthRead; i++){
    Serial.print(incomingPacket[i], HEX);
    Serial.print(" "); 




Neeraj Rane
18 projects • 47 followers
Electrical Engineer and a Maker from India. Engineering is fun once you start applying it!
