Attending a seminar opened my eyes to the use of Openstack: open source software for managing clouds.
This article will tell you what it is all about and offers you helpful links, if you want to deal with it in more detail.
OpenStack ProjectThe OpenStack project is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the open standard cloud computing platform for both public and private clouds. Backed by a vibrant community of developers and some of the biggest names in the industry.
But what is OpenStack?OpenStack software controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API.
You can watch a demo on YouTube.
OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.
Hundreds of the world’s largest brands rely on OpenStack to run their businesses every day, reducing costs and helping them move faster. OpenStack has a strong ecosystem, and users seeking commercial support can choose from different OpenStack-powered products and services in the Marketplace.
It has a modular structure (named projects) and can therefore be put together completely to the needs of the cloud provider. Inevitably, these modules (= projects) are used:
Nova for creating virtual systems, Horizon the control dashboard, Neutron to generate firewalls, gateways and more network components, Ironic in case of implementation from hardware and the storage-module like Swift/Cinder.
Full list of available projects you will find in the project-navigator.
What are the individual modules needed for?It is another abstraction layer for the compute administration, so that in addition to the free hypervisors like KVM, QEMU also licensed products such as VMware can be controlled.
Public CloudsAre you looking for compute resources that you have to manage yourself? Then you are in the right place with the public cloud providers (hosting providers, which among other things use OpenStack as software for managing their own infrastructure (IAAS) clouds).
At this point, I picked out a well-known provider in Germany: Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). The following modules are used here:
Become a customer of Open Telekom Cloud by 2018/12/31 and receive a time limited discount of 250 €uro against your invoices.
Order via this link (Voucher code: 4UOTC250).
More informationA further source for detailed information is Wikipedia: here is each project explained in short.
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