Learn how to build an indoor air quality monitor using the Notecard Cellular from Blues to sync AQI sensor data with Adafruit IO and IFTTT.
Build a Python app that uses multiple ML models to perform object detection and anomaly detection + connect to the cloud via Blues Notecard.
This tutorial is obsolete for changes to the libraries, API and Arduino IoT Cloud itself. Please see below for an updated link
Build a smart lamp and make your life easy.
Telemetry system of my Ducati Monster based on Arduino, UWP, Azure features and Machine Learning. Enterprise IoT Cloud Solution.
Do you want to check from anywhere the temperature, pressure and humidity? If so, this project will show you how to do it.
This GrowBox Controller handles temperature, humidity, fan and lights, and configuration is made via web server. CSV logs and remote cloud!
Move all your sketches and libraries to the cloud in a few clicks! It is super easy with the Import feature on the Arduino Web Editor.
Want to control your microcontrollers in the cloud graphically, without writing any code? Welcome to the Tentacle, from Octoblu.
Don't know what to do with your Bolt WiFi Module, a chassis and a few motors? Don't worry, we will show you!
Find your misplaced phone with the push of a button even if it's on silent or vibrate with the Particle Internet Button and IFTTT.
Constant outages of your broadband can drive you to frustration, but you can use the Raspberry Pi, and a little bit cloud to monitor it.
Automated temperature taking and attendance logging for students.
Learn how to use Arduino IoT Cloud and Amazon Alexa to switch the channel, adjust the volume and turn on or off any TV.
Build a "speed trap" that uses ML to identify vehicles, a radar sensor to measure speed, and a cellular module to report data to the cloud.
Which one to use? Confused! Look our guide and get your doubts clear.
Develop, compile and flash Particle Photon's sketch over the cloud using Visual Studio 2015 with IntelliSense.
Use the Azure Sphere Starter Kit and two click boards to monitor current weather conditions and send the data to the Azure Cloud.
Azure Sphere for PlatformIO - Arduino and Linux applications
When attending a conference, you will be welcomed on a large video screen. Here is an easy way to make this yourself with a RPI and Yodeck.
There's a front coming through! Cloud costume, complete with weather patterns.
Using Azure IoT Edge on Nvidia Jetson Nano with Time Series Insights to detect objects in video feeds with offsite recording to the cloud.
Monitor the world's rivers and lakes through a collaborative cloud allowing you to monitor any body of water with a fleet of devices.
I really wanted to make a little cloud that would light up as though it was filled with lightning.