Aaron Herres
Published © CC BY

Code-Free IoT with Arduino and The Tentacle on Octoblu!

Want to control your microcontrollers in the cloud graphically, without writing any code? Welcome to the Tentacle, from Octoblu.

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Code-Free IoT with Arduino and The Tentacle on Octoblu!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Any Arduino-style microcontroller will do!
Particle Photon
Of course, if you want to be our favorite, you'll use this one :)
Arduino Ethernet Shield
If your Arduino can't make it to the internet on it's own.
Arduino Wifi Shield
If you're a masochist. These things have serious limitations, and are expensive. Not recommended!
If you want to connect an Arduino to wifi for $5 instead of $80, this is the one to get. Unfortunately, we don't have an example sketch for it yet :(. But it should be easy to port!

Software apps and online services

Octoblu Meshblu


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The Tentacle

Make sure you use the version in Releases!


Aaron Herres
1 project • 12 followers
Aaron Herres is a software developer who is obsessed with the Internet of Things. Currently working @Octoblu, where he develops all sorts of projects
