Nowadays video surveillance is present in a lot of places, even at home. You can buy an indoor security camera which streams a live video feed right to your phone and sends an alert to your phone if there’s any movement detected.The problem with these is that they can’t detect what caused the movement, so if for example you have a cat it can trigger the movement detection. If you want a device which can classify the moving object you’ll be paying a lot more.
But what if you could use a cheap webcam, motion sensor and small cheap computer (or Edge device if you will), to create your own intrusion detection system? First we'd like to detect movement. If there is any, a picture gets taken. This picture then gets analysed, so if it's your cat that triggered it, it wont alert you.
GoalUse a Raspberry Pi, camera module and PIR motionsensor to capture images, detect objects on them, and then send that image with the detected intruder to a messaging application.
SolutionFirst we have to take pictures if movement is detected. To make use of the PIR (passive infrared) motion sensor to detect movement we’ll use the module gpiozero in a small python script. After that a picture gets taken with the fswebcam utility in that same script. At last the application sends an MQTT message to the TinyAutomator Mosquitto MQTT server with the filename of the picture. This application (together with TinyAutomator) will be run in a docker container, and the images will be saved to a docker volume so they can be accessed by TinyAutomator.
Secondly we need to have an object detection service. For this we’ll use a javascript library called TensorFlow.js to deploy the model COCO-SSD. This model has 80 different classes which it can detect. It takes an image as an input and gives back the bounding boxes of the detected object as well as the confidence rating of the detection.
At last we have to create a couple of Waylay Sensors to use the model and send the message using a template in TinyAutomator.
Hardware setupConnect the camera module to the ribbon connector:
Connect the PIR sensor using a couple of jumper wires like this:
- PIR sensor: VCC to 5V, GND to GND and signal to GPIO 17
- LED: anode to GPIO18 and cathode to GND
Installing TinyAutomator on the raspberry pi
Installation guide describes all the steps needed to install TinyAutomator on a raspberry pi. After the installation you should be able to access the Waylay TinyAutomator web console.
Here we'll process and send the images.
Installing the object detection model
First we’ll install the object detection model files to the TinyAutomator plugins folder.
To install this you have to run these 6 commands:
sudo mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/model.json
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/group1-shard1of5
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/group1-shard2of5
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/group1-shard3of5
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/group1-shard4of5
sudo wget -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/tinyautomator-plugins/_data/coco-ssd/group1-shard5of5
Creating the motion detection/image capturing container
This is the python script that takes a picture every time movement is detected and sends an MQTT message to the MQTT broker of TinyAutomator:
from gpiozero import MotionSensor
import time
from gpiozero import LED
import paho.mqtt.client as paho
import os
broker = os.environ.get("HOST")
port = int(os.environ.get("PORT"))
pir = MotionSensor(17)
led = LED(18)
def on_publish(client,userdata,result):
print("data published \n")
client1 = paho.Client("control1")
client1.on_publish = on_publish
def Motion():
delete = "find "+ os.environ.get("FILES") +" -name \"*.jpg\" -mtime 1 -exec rm -rf {} \;"
command = "fswebcam -r 1920x1080 --no-banner {path}/{filename}.jpg".format(path=os.environ.get("FILES"),filename=filename)
data = '{"resource":"Motionsensor1","image":"'+filename+'.jpg","presence":'+str(pir.value)+'}'
ret = client1.publish("Sensors",data)
def noMotion():
data = '{"resource":"Motionsensor1","presence":'+str(pir.value)+'}'
ret = client1.publish("Sensors",data)
pir.when_motion = Motion
pir.when_no_motion = noMotion
while True:
As you can see the script only sends the filename and state of the motion sensor. The actual image remains local (which is more secure).
Create a file called in your project folder (the same folder where you downloaded the tinyautomator-raspberrypi.yml
file) and paste the code above in that file.
To run this script in a Docker container, we'll have to create a Docker image:
FROM debian:bullseye-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends fswebcam
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y libc-bin && \
apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip || true && \
dpkg --purge --force-all libc-bin && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN pip3 install gpiozero paho-mqtt RPIO pigpio RPi.GPIO lgpio
CMD ["python3","/"]
To use this image you don't have to do anything yourself, as this will automatically be done in the next step.
Creating the docker-compose file for the python script
Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. To configure the application’s services you use YAML files. This can be done in a single YAML file, but also with multiple. Here we’ll use multiple files, as TinyAutomator has its own YAML file (which you should've downloaded already). To run the extra container for our python script we’ll configure a separate file, as this is a separate add-on to TinyAutomator.
This is the YAML file to run the container for the python script (with some launch options that point to TinyAutomator MQTT service):
version: '3.4'
name: images
image: marcelisrafilov/motion-detection:latest
container_name: sensor-demo
- HOST=mosquitto
- PORT=1883
- FILES=/images
restart: always
privileged: true
- images:/images
Create a file called sensor-demo.yml
and paste this code in it.
That’s it for the software setup! Now you just need to restart TinyAutomator and start the python script in a docker container:
docker-compose -f sensor-demo.yml -f tinyautomator-raspberrypi.yml up -d
Working with TinyAutomatorNow that TinyAutomator is up and running we can use the Waylay web console to process the given images and send them to wherever we want.
Creating pluginsIn-depth information about plugins can be found on waylay docs
To implement object detection in our template later on we have to create our own plugins in TinyAutomator. We need 3 custom plugins:
- Object detection
- Marking the detected intruders
- Posting the file to Slack/Discord
This plugin has one required input, namely the image you want to do object detection on. You can also give the file location of the model you’ll use (in our case coco-ssd). This can be skipped, but then the plugin will look for the model online, which will take more time. As a third argument you can give the imageURL to send the image to an external application. But in this project we won’t use this functionality.
This is the code of the plugin:
const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const cocoSsd = require('@tensorflow-models/coco-ssd');
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-floating-promises
const { modelfile,imagefile, imageurl } = options.requiredProperties
function base64_encode(file) {
// read binary data
var bitmap = fs.readFileSync(file);
// convert binary data to base64 encoded string
return new Buffer(bitmap).toString('base64');
async function execute () {
let model;
try {
// Load the model
const config={}
model = await cocoSsd.load(config);
const data = fs.readFileSync(imagefile);
let classifyRes={};
let state='classified'
let imgTensor = tfnode.tidy( () => {
return tfnode.node.decodeImage(data, 3);
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
classifyRes = await model.detect(imgTensor)
await model.dispose();
const classificationResult={};
let value = {
observedState: state,
rawData: {
result: classifyRes,
try {
const method='POST';
const modifiedResult={"bounding_boxes":[]}
for (key in classifyRes) {
const box={
const imgdataOriginal='data:image/png;base64, '+base64_encode(imagefile);
const body={
"img": imgdataOriginal,
const response = await axios({ url: imageurl, data: body, method: method, timeout: 2000 })
value.rawData.httpSend = {
status: response.status
} catch (error) {
value.rawData.httpSend = {
error: error
send(null, value);
} catch (error) {
send(null, { observedState: 'error', rawData: { errorMessage: 'Failed to call url: ' + error } })
} finally {
await model.dispose();
You could add and configure this plugin yourself, but instead you can just first download the plugin and then use the upload functionality in TinyAutomator.
Great! Now we can move on to marking our detected objects.
Marking detected objectsAfter the image has been classified, we want to send it to Slack. But just sending the original image is boring, having the intruder marked on the image with a label is cooler, it becomes like a real security image.
To do this we'll just use the output of the object detection model. This includes the detected class and bounding boxes.
This plugin takes 2 arguments:
- The file location of the original image which was analysed
- The returned bounding boxes (from the object detection)
* ⚠️ Plugins should never throw exceptions, instead send an error back.
* ref:
const sharp = require('sharp');
const fileName = options.requiredProperties.fileName;
const jsonBoxes = options.requiredProperties.jsonBoxes;
const MAX_WIDTH = 1920;
const MAX_HEIGHT = 1080;
if (!fileName || !jsonBoxes) {
send(new Error('Missing property: fileName or jsonBoxes'));
const dir = fileName.substring(0,fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
let state = "success"
const finalFileName = fileName.substring(0,fileName.lastIndexOf("."))+".markedImage.jpg";
const rectanglePrefix=fileName.substring(0,fileName.lastIndexOf("."))+".rectangle";
const images = new Array();
async function createRectangle(x, y, width, height, text, idx) {
try {
const svgImage = `
<svg width="${width}" height="${height}">
.title { fill: #ff0000; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;}
<text x="15" y="30" text-anchor="left" class="title">${text}</text>
await sharp(Buffer.from(svgImage))
left: 5,
top: 5,
width: Math.floor(width)-10,
height: Math.floor(height)-10
top: 5,
bottom: 5,
left: 5,
right: 5,
background: 'red'
} catch (error) {
async function composite(images,finalImage) {
try {
await sharp(fileName)
} catch (error) {
async function execute(){
const json = JSON.parse(jsonBoxes);
for (const [idx,obj] of json.entries()){
const y = Math.floor(obj.bbox[0])
const x = Math.floor(obj.bbox[1])
let width = Math.floor(obj.bbox[2])
width = MAX_WIDTH
let height = Math.floor(obj.bbox[3])
height = MAX_HEIGHT
const text = obj.class
input: `${rectanglePrefix}${idx}.png`,
top: Math.floor(x),
left: Math.floor(y)
await createRectangle(x, y, width, height, text, idx);
await composite(images,finalFileName)
const value = {
observedState: state,
rawData: {
finalFileName: finalFileName
send(null, value);
Again, you can simply add this plugin by first downloading the exported plugin from here and then uploading it to your TinyAutomator so you don’t have to configure it yourself.
Posting image to SlackThis part is optional, if you don’t have a Slack account you can skip this step
First you have to setup a Slack app that will send the images. Directions for this can be found here. During the creating of your app you should have generated an access token. You’ll need that token to authorise the sending of the messages. You can store that token in the vault of TinyAutomator.
Click on ‘add setting’, fill in ‘slackAccessToken’ in the field ‘key' and paste your access token in the field 'value’
This way the key is stored in an encrypted vault. Later on you can access the token without having to paste the token in your template.
After the app has been set up, we have to create the plugin which will actually send the message using Slack’s REST API.
Note: there already exists a plugin to send a message to Slack. But in this case we want to send a file, which requires a separate plugin
This plugin requires 3 arguments:
- The Slack access token you generated for your app
- The Slack channel name where you want to send the file to
- The name of the file (picture) you want to send
const FormData = require('form-data')
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const axios = require('axios');
const { channel, accessToken, fileName} = options.requiredProperties
async function execute () {
if (!accessToken || !channel || !fileName) {
return send(new Error('Missing property'))
try {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(fileName);
const form = new FormData();
form.append('file', stream);
form.append('channels', channel);
let headers = form.getHeaders();
const response = await'',
{ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`, ...headers } })
send(null, { observedState: 'Success', rawData: { response: } })
} catch (error) {
send(null, { observedState: 'Error', rawData: { errorMessage: 'Error posting to slack api: ' + error } })
Similar to the other plugins you can download the plugin here and import it to TinyAutomator.
Posting image to DiscordIf you don’t have a Discord account, you can create one for free and you’ll have access to (almost) all functionality. This is contrary to Slack, as the free version of slack doesn’t give that many options.
Sending a file to Discord also requires a new plugin.
First you’ll have to choose or setup a server where you want to send the picture to. Then you need to choose the text channel you want to send the picture to and copy the channel ID. This is done by first enabling developer mode in Discord and then right clicking on the channel and selecting ‘copy ID’. You’ll need that for the plugin to know which channel to send it to.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll also have to create a discord app with its own bot. A tutorial for that can be found here. During the creation of your bot you should have generated and saved a bot token. You’ll need that token to authorise the sending of the message. As with the access token for Slack, you can store the bot access token and channel ID in the vault on TinyAutomator. Head over to the vault (see the previous step) and add 2 encrypted settings:
- key: discordAccessToken, value: <your_token>
- key: discordChannelID, value: <your_channel_ID>
Next up you’ll have to create/upload the plugin that’ll send the message.
The plugin will (similar to the Slack plugin) have 3 required arguments
- Discord access token: the one you generated while creating your bot
- Filename: the name of the file you want to send
- Channel: the ID of the channel you want to send the picture to
const FormData = require('form-data')
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const axios = require('axios');
const { channel, accessToken, fileName} = options.requiredProperties
async function execute () {
if (!accessToken || !channel || !fileName) {
return send(new Error('Missing property'))
try {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(fileName);
const form = new FormData();
form.append('files', stream);
let headers = form.getHeaders();
const response = await''+channel+'/messages',
{ headers: { Authorization: `Bot ${accessToken}`, ...headers } })
send(null, { observedState: 'Success', rawData: { response: } })
} catch (error) {
send(null, { observedState: 'Error', rawData: { errorMessage: 'Error posting to slack api: ' + error } })
As with the other plugins, you can download and upload them from here.
Configuring the MQTT brokerMore information on how data ingestion with MQTT works on waylay can be found here
The python script is currently sending data, but TinyAutomator isn’t reading it yet. This is done in the ‘data ingestion’ tab. Here we’ll set up an MQTT broker subscription.
- Integration name: images (or anything else this will be the name of the integration shown in console)
- Topic: Sensors
- Connection string: mqtt://mosquitto
- Resource property name: resource
- Client ID: client
- Port: 1883
The remaining fields can be left empty. After this is done you should see a new configured integration:
If you click on that and then move in front of the motion sensor you should receive a message that looks something like this:
Great! Now the data can be used in a template.
Creating the templateMore information on how templates work on waylay can be found here
Now that all the plugins have been made we can create the template on Tiny. A template is a definition of a processing flow. It will be triggered by incoming data on the MQTT broker. It will read the file name and state of the motionsensor. Next it’ll use the plugin for object detection (which we uploaded in the previous steps). Based on the classification result we will call a script which checks if the detected object is a person, and if it is we’ll mark the person on the image with the second plugin. After that we’ll send the image with the marked objects to Slack and/or Discord using the third plugin. The template looks like this:
As with plugins, you can upload a template from your pc. (download template)
If you are using the Slack plugin, you can edit the node and change the channel to the one you want. In this template it's configured to #botCreating a task
More information on how templates work on waylay can be found here
We’ve created the template, but currently it does nothing as nothing is calling it. To use a template we have to create a task. This will be bound to the stream of data we’ve configured two steps ago.
You’ll have to create this task yourself, as tasks (as of now) can’t be exported or imported.
Click ‘Add task’
A configuration menu pops up
- Name: the name of the task, you can choose it yourself
- Template: the template the task should use, in this case the one we just created
- Resource: the name of the resource, you can choose the one you created in the dropdown menu
- Tags: optional, we don’t need them right now
- Type of task: click on ‘reactive’ as it should be triggered on incoming data
At last click ‘create task’
That’s it! If you now move in front of the sensor, there should be a message in Slack and/or Discord with the picture attached to it.
We’ve created quite a powerful automated intrusion detection system using an existing object detection model and Waylay TinyAutomator. This project can also be customised to your needs. If you want to use this detection system outside and want to detect motorcycles for example, you can just let it take pictures periodically and filter out motorcycles instead of persons.