The Fuel Tank booster pack documentation says it's compatible with all LaunchPads. That 's a bit of a stretch, because the Hercules LaunchPad doesn't have the required i2c support.That changes from today on :). I've ported the Texas Instruments N2HET I2C emulator to the Hercules LaunchPad.
You can now not only power your design with the Fuel Tank. You can also talk to the on-board battery fuel gauge and have the same experience as the MSP430, TIVA C and C2000 LaunchPad owners.
EXPERIENCE ZONE:- Industrial/automotive: My design provides a solution for I2C integration on the low-end Hercules processors.
- I2C master on Hercules processors without native hardware peripheral
- no CPU load, uses the N2HET coprocessor
- works with any 2 HET pins
- honours TI and Element14 claim that the Fuel Tank boosterpack is compatible with all LaunchPads
- very small code and memory footprint, almost no CPU footprint
- guaranteed speed stability
The CCS 'Proof of Concept' project is available in the attachments
This work is not coming from my brain. The n2het I2C library has been developed and published by Texas Instruments staff. I have used the.het assembly file without a single change. I removed or changed those parts of the example that were demo specific.
There is more work needed. I've marked action items with todo comments, so that they appear in the CCS 'Task' window.
As logic analyzer, I used the Gadget Factory Papilio Pro with OLS Logic Sniffer software. The i2c data analyzer helped me to understand where the generated code did not comply to the i2c protocol.