COVID – 19 Graphical User Interface (GUI) for observing and alarming Emergency clinics having COVID - 19 patients utilizing different algorithms is to create application which stores the information of the COVID – 19 patients and screens them depending on the information got through utilizing AI and if the patient condition is extreme , application alarms the authority about the patient. This product is easy to use ,quick although basic but cost – effective. It manages the database on patient's monitoring data, conclusion subtleties, and so on. Generally, in earlier days it was done physically one after the other reducing the speed, making whole system slow. The primary capacity of the framework is to register and store patients and the specialist details which is stored over the cloud so as to provide instant access anywhere and anytime required and furthermore to output the details stored in a meaningfull manner as and when required on to the screen. The product can be entered utilizing a username and secret password. Using which one can include information into the database. The information can be recovered without any problem. The information are all around ensured for individual use and makes the information preparing exceptionally quick.
Software is a product suite designed to improve the quality and management of hospital management in the areas of clinical process analysis and activity-based costing. Software enables you to develop your organization and improve its effectiveness and quality of work. Managing the key processes efficiently is critical to the success of the hospital helps you manage your processes.Hence the BalenaFin is used as a backup local server to be used incase of any network failure which may hamper the process but as we will be having a backup there will not be any need to get worried and we can simply move on offline manner.
As per the current situation the need of the hour is to do the monitoring on Real time basis so as to keep track of the patients, based on which we can track the relatives or other persons who might have come in contact with the patient and might be asymptomatic currently and might act as careers of this pandemic.The Real time monitoring also required in country like India where the population is so high and limited resources are there so as we can do adequate planning and can make action plan accordingly.
For this purpose the design has been made on a local server,which features various features:
1. Patient Login Panel: The login panel is designed for already registered as well as new users,already registered usersa can simply input the credentials and proceed.
2. New Appointment: System allows to generate new appointment with the doctor with no time delays patient can book for an appointment as per the suited day and time and confirmation will be send on to the registered ID.
3. Profile Registration: New patients can be registered by providing basic details with the profile panel.
4. Contact Us: Can be used by the patient to gather any information regarding the hospitals say number of ICU beds available and many other information can be provided on the mail provided within no time delays.
As nRF52840 Bluetooth Low Energy,Zigbee,NFC antenna that quickly enables utilization of the NFC-A tag peripheral has been utilized as to keep track of people which have crossed their paths with the corona infected persons specially it will be most helpful incase of asymptomatic people as they are the unknown careeirs of virus transmission and are easily skipped through screening processes which are deployed by the government at entry of shopping malls,IT firms,those who are using public transport for commute as these patients dont have any symptoms they are neglected and hence are a major part in spread of the pandemic unknowingly.
Using the features designed which can have connectivity with the nRF52840 board it will be made easy to track and hence to back trace all other who might become infected and hence overcoming the vast spread of the pandemic.