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Enrique Albertos
Published © LGPL

DHT11 Arduino Library and ThingSpeak

DHT11 Temp and Humidity library from scratch to send data to ThinkSpeak with an AZDelivery ESP8266 ESP-12F NodeMCU Lua Amica V2

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DHT11 Arduino Library and ThingSpeak

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AZDelivery ESP8266 ESP-12F NodeMCU Lua Amica V2
AZ-Delivery Logic Analyzer
AZ-Delivery DHT11 Breakout Module
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm

Software apps and online services

ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Schmatics image

Schematics fritzing



Reads Relative Humidity and Temperature from a DHT11 sensor and writes it to a ThinkSpeak cloud service
  Name: esp8266DHT11
  Purpose: Reads Relative Humidity and Temperature from a DHT11 sensor
  and writes it to a ThinkSpeak cloud service

  @author Enrique Albertos
  @version 1.0 25/10/2020

#include "DHT11.h"

#include "ThingSpeak.h"
#include "secrets.h"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

// DHT11 sensor
DHT11 dht11;

// ThingSpeak connection
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;   // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = SECRET_PASS;   // your network password
unsigned long myChannelNumber = SECRET_CH_ID;  // your channel number
const char * myWriteAPIKey = SECRET_WRITE_APIKEY; // your channel write API Key

WiFiClient  client;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); // for debugging
  // Begin ThinkSpeak connection
  ThingSpeak.begin(client);  // Initialize ThingSpeak

  Serial.println("Status\tHumidity (%)\tTemperature (C)");

  // Initialize DHT11 sensor
  dht11.setup(D1);   // sensor in D1

void loop()
  DHT11::Dht11_data_type sensorData = dht11.readSensor();
  if (DHT11::ERROR_NONE == sensorData.error) {
  delay(120000); // Wait 120 seconds to update the channel again

 * Check if wifi is connected
 * if not reconnect
 * @params void
 * @retun void
void checkWifiConnection(void) {
  // Connect or reconnect to WiFi
  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
      WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);  // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network.
      int counter = 0;
      // wait for connection established
      while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) && (counter < 10)) {

 * Sends sensor data to Thing speak
 * @params sensor data record reference
 * @retun void
void sendDataToThingSpeak(DHT11::Dht11_data_type *sensorData) {
  // Write to ThingSpeak. There are up to 8 fields in a channel, allowing you to store up to 8 different
  // pieces of information in a channel.  Here, we write to field 1.
  ThingSpeak.setField(1, sensorData->temperature);
  ThingSpeak.setField(2, sensorData->humidity);
  int x = ThingSpeak.writeFields(myChannelNumber, myWriteAPIKey);
  if (x == 200) {
    Serial.println("Temp Channel update successful.");
  else {
    Serial.println("Problem updating temp channel. HTTP error code " + String(x));

 * Logs sensor data to serial log
 * @params void
 * @retun void
void logData(DHT11::Dht11_data_type *sensorData){
  Serial.print(sensorData->status);/* status of communication */
  Serial.print(sensorData->humidity, 0);
  Serial.println(sensorData->temperature, 2);


DHT11 sensor library header
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor library for Arduino.

- Support for DHT11
  DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor library for Arduino.

  - Support for DHT11

  @author Enrique Albertos
  @version 1.0 25/10/2020
   2020-10-24: Initial version


#ifndef dht11_h
#define dht11_h
#if ARDUINO < 100
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

class DHT11
    typedef enum {
      ERROR_NONE = 0,

    struct Dht11_data_type {
      float temperature = NAN;
      float humidity = NAN;
      Dht11_error_type error = DHT11::ERROR_TIMEOUT;
      const char* status = "TIMEOUT ERROR";

    void setup(int pin);

    Dht11_data_type readSensor();

    int pin;


    unsigned long lastReadTime;
    boolean sendStartSignal(void);
    const char *getStatusString(const Dht11_error_type error);

    int busyWait(const int pin, const int finalState, const int timeout);
    boolean waitForStartBit(void);
    boolean waitForStartSignalResponse(void);
    boolean readDht11DataRecord(Dht11_data_type *dataRead);
    uint8_t readByte(const int pin, const int timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, const int timeoutForData_us,const int bitZeroLength_us);


#endif /*dht11_h*/


DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor library for Arduino.

- Support for DHT11
- returns humidity and temperature decimal values
  DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor library for Arduino.

  - Support for DHT11
  - returns humidity and temperature decimal values

  @author Enrique Albertos
  @version 1.0 25/10/2020
   2020-10-24: Initial version

#include "DHT11.h"
const uint8_t BIT_MASK[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
const char STATUS_OK[]      = "OK";
const char *statusString[3] = {STATUS_OK, TIMEOUT_ERROR, CHECKSUM_ERROR};

const int timeLengthWakeupSignal_ms = 18; // 18 milliseconds
const int timeoutForResponseSignal_us = 90; // 80us response signal
const int timeoutForStartData_us = 90; // 90us start data
const int timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us = 60; // 50 us start to transmit data
const int timeoutForData_us = 80; // 70 us for "1" bit-data
const int zeroLength_us = 30; // 26-28 us

void DHT11::setup(int pin)
  DHT11::pin = pin;
  DHT11::lastReadTime = millis() - 3000;

   Read sensor data.

   @param void
   @return Dht11_data_type record with the last reading
DHT11::Dht11_data_type DHT11::readSensor(void)
  static Dht11_data_type dataRead;

  // Start communication short circuit is used
  if (sendStartSignal()
      && waitForStartSignalResponse()
      && waitForStartBit()
      && readDht11DataRecord(&dataRead)) {
    return dataRead;
  } else {
    return dataRead;



const char *DHT11::getStatusString(const Dht11_error_type error) {
  return statusString[error];

   Waits until digital port chanes to final state or timeput occurs

   @param pin to check
   @param state to wait for
   @param maximum time to wait
   @return the elapsed time to reach the final state if less than timeout
   or the elapsed time that forced the timeout

int DHT11::busyWait(const int pin, const int finalState, const int timeout) {
  int elapsedTime = 0;
  int startTime = micros();
  while ( digitalRead(pin) != finalState && elapsedTime < timeout ) {
    elapsedTime = micros() - startTime;
  return elapsedTime;

   MCU Sends Start Signal to DHT as this is a blind cycle that makes DHT11
   to change from the low-power-consumption mode to the running-mode

   Consists of a pulse of at least 18 ms voltage-length
   @param void
   @return true if there no problem
boolean DHT11::sendStartSignal(void) {
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // MCU Send start signal
  pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
  delay(timeLengthWakeupSignal_ms); // at least 18 ms
  // MCU Pulls up voltage
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // Switch to receive data
  return true;

   Once DHT detects the start signal, it will send out a low-voltage-level
   response signal, which lasts 80us. So we will wait for the DHT11 to be ready.

   @param void
   @return true if there no problem
boolean DHT11::waitForStartSignalResponse(void) {
  return busyWait(pin, LOW, timeoutForStartData_us) < timeoutForStartData_us;

   DHT sends oit response signal and keeps it for 80 us
   then DHT pulls up voltage and keeps it for 80 us

   @param void
   @return true if there no problem
boolean DHT11::waitForStartBit(void) {
  if ( busyWait(pin, HIGH, timeoutForResponseSignal_us) < timeoutForResponseSignal_us) { // DHT sends oit response signal and keeps it for 80 us
    return (busyWait(pin, LOW, timeoutForStartData_us) < timeoutForStartData_us); // then DHT pulls up voltage and keeps it for 80 us
  return false;

   Read 8 bits in a byte from the line

   @param pointer to the record to be actualized
   @param int pin,
   @param int timeout For Start To Transmit Data in us
   @param int timeout For Data in us,
   @param int bit Zero Length in us
   @return the read byte if any or FF if there is any problem reading
uint8_t DHT11::readByte(const int pin,
                        const int timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us,
                        const int timeoutForData_us,
                        const int bitZeroLength_us) {
  uint8_t data = 0;
  for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (busyWait(pin, HIGH, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us) < timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us) { // wait for RAISING
      int bitLength = busyWait(pin, LOW, timeoutForData_us) ; // wait for FALLING
      if (bitLength > timeoutForData_us) {
        return 0xFF;
      if (bitLength > bitZeroLength_us) { // 1 bit value, toggle bit
        data |= BIT_MASK[i];
  return data;

   Read the 40 bits in a Dht11 data record

   @param pointer to the record to be actualized
   @return true if there no problem
boolean DHT11::readDht11DataRecord(DHT11::Dht11_data_type * dataRead)
  uint8_t integralRh = readByte(pin, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, timeoutForData_us, zeroLength_us);

  uint8_t decimalRh = readByte(pin, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, timeoutForData_us, zeroLength_us);

  uint8_t integralTemp = readByte(pin, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, timeoutForData_us, zeroLength_us);

  uint8_t decimalTemp = readByte(pin, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, timeoutForData_us, zeroLength_us);

  uint8_t checksum = readByte(pin, timeoutForStartToTransmitData_us, timeoutForData_us, zeroLength_us);

  // Verify checksum: integral RH + decimal RH + integral Temp data + decimal Temp data
  if ( (integralRh + decimalRh + integralTemp + decimalTemp ) != checksum ) {
    dataRead->error = ERROR_CHECKSUM;
    dataRead->status =  statusString[ERROR_CHECKSUM];
    return false;

  dataRead->error = ERROR_NONE;
  dataRead->status =  statusString[ERROR_NONE];
  dataRead->temperature = (float)integralTemp +  (float)decimalTemp / 10.0;
  dataRead->humidity = (float)integralRh +  (float)decimalRh / 10.0;
  return true;


Use this file to store all of the private credentials and connection details
// Use this file to store all of the private credentials 
// and connection details

#define SECRET_SSID "MySSID"    // replace MySSID with your WiFi network name
#define SECRET_PASS "MyPassword"  // replace MyPassword with your WiFi password

#define SECRET_CH_ID 0000000      // replace 0000000 with your channel number
#define SECRET_WRITE_APIKEY "XYZ"   // replace XYZ with your channel write API Key


Enrique Albertos
12 projects • 38 followers


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