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javier muñoz sáez
Published © MIT

All pins as PWM at the same time (baremetal STM32)

SOFTPWM : DMA+GPIO, not interrupt based, individually controlled, did you ran out of PWM pins?

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour4,725

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STM32 bluepill
i was lucky enough to get a original bluepill from aliexpress... :D STM32f108C8t6, but any stm32 could do the same
STMicroelectronics STLINK-V3SET
I use the embedded stlink from my nucleo board

Software apps and online services

stm32 ide, eclipse based
software tool for laying out boilerplate code and click your setting and configs, pretty nice


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Paint wiring Schematic

just connect the bluepill to the embedded STlink of my nucleo


softPWM code

gh repo clone javiBajoCero/softPWMtutorial


javier muñoz sáez
13 projects • 84 followers
Maker turned into a formal power electronics engineer, still in contact with firmware and using my maker skills to build real expensive shit
Thanks to .


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