Every amazing project needs to start somewhere, ideally somewhere simple.
Remote controlling GPIOs is essential for many IoT projects - and easier than you might think with MicroPython!
If you also use the PSoC board CY8CPROTO-062-4343W from Infineon like I do you need to install MicroPython on it first. Here you find a great tutorial on how to do that:
Now that your MicroPython board is ready, let's set up an AP first. This is only a 4-liner in MicroPython:
import network
ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
ap.config(essid='PSoC', key='infineon')
If you run this code on your board you will already be able to connect to it with your phone via WiFi. A DHCP server for IP address assignment is automatically running in the background, no setup required.
Now let's get the webserver running! For this we can use a very lightweight webserver which I found on GitHub, nanoweb by hugokernel:
We need to make this module available on our MicroPython board. This can be achieved by downloading this file to your computer
and uploading it to your MicroPython board (e.g. using the Thonny IDE):
Now the hard part is done! The rest will be mainly copy/paste. Understanding is nice to have but optional ;)
Since we want to control a GPIO (in my case connected to the board's LED), we need to do the GPIO setup first:
from machine import Pin
led = Pin("P13_7") # LED pin for CY8CPROT-062-4343W board
Now we can control the led by calling led.on() and led.off() - let's make use of that:
We import the nanoweb module we installed earlier and create an object of the nanoweb class:
from nanoweb import Nanoweb
naw = Nanoweb()
Now we define what the webserver does when certain paths are visited, so called "routes". The general form looks like that:
async def arbitary_function_name(request):
await request.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
await request.write('Hello World')
This would call arbitary_function_name printing "Hello World" when visiting http://<device_ip>/path_on_the_server.
Enough theory, let's make it do something! This calls index() when the root (/) of the webserver is visited. Index will print the html status code "200 OK" to the client device and display some html buttons:
async def index(request):
await request.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
await request.write('<html>')
await request.write('''<button onclick="window.location.href='/on';">Turn LED on</button>''')
await request.write('''<button onclick="window.location.href='/off';">Turn LED off</button>''')
await request.write('</html>')
These buttons link to two new destinations on the server which we need to define:
async def on(request):
await index(request)
async def off(request):
await index(request)
I think you can guess, what the two functions do. At least the first line of each. The second line just calls index() again - to display the html buttons.
The last step to make this application working is to let the webserver run in an uasyncio loop what can be achieved like this:
import uasyncio
loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
That's it! You can now connect to the WiFi network of the board and use a browser to navigate to (or another IP address maybe dependent on the board you're using). By using the buttons you can remote-control the LED: