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Jennifer Deegan
Published © GPL3+

Driving a Focus Stacking Rail Using an Arduino

Driving my focus stacking rail using an Arduino to achieve micron steps.

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Driving a Focus Stacking Rail Using an Arduino

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Fast Arduino code

This code enables the Arduino to drive the focus rail with 17 micron increments and rapid movement of the rail.
// Number of pictures to take
#define shots 100
// How far to advance between shots
// 128 steps == 1 mark on the fine control == 1 micron
#define MICRON 128L
#define distance (17 * MICRON)

//Declare pin functions on Arduino
#define stp 2
#define dir 3
#define fire 13

void setup() {
  pinMode(stp, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fire, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(stp, LOW);
  digitalWrite(dir, HIGH);
  Serial.begin(9600); //Open Serial connection for debugging

//Main loop
void loop() {
    long int i, j;
    char input;

    Serial.println("Press Enter to start");
    do {
        input = Serial.read();
    } while (input != '\n');
    for (i = 0; i < shots; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < distance; j++) {

// Power on the IR trigger circuit to fire the camera
void trigger()
    delay(1000); // wait for vibration to settle
    digitalWrite(fire, HIGH); // take the picture
    delay(1000); // wait for that to happen
    digitalWrite(fire, LOW); // disable the IR circuit again

// Advance the motor by one step
void step()
    digitalWrite(stp, HIGH); //Trigger one step forward
    digitalWrite(stp, LOW); //Pull step pin low so it can be triggered again

Slow Arduino code

This code enables the Arduino to drive the focus rail with small micron steps, and slow movement to allow settling between movements.
// Number of pictures to take 
#define shots 100 
// How far to advance between shots 
// 128 steps == 1 mark on the fine control == 1 micron 
#define MICRON 128L 
#define distance (17 * MICRON) 
//Declare pin functions on Arduino 
#define stp 2 
#define dir 3 
#define fire 13 
void setup() { 
pinMode(stp, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(dir, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(fire, OUTPUT); 
digitalWrite(stp, LOW); 
digitalWrite(dir, HIGH); 
Serial.begin(9600); //Open Serial connection for debugging 
//Main loop 
void loop() { 
  long int i, j; 
  char input; 
  Serial.println("Press Enter to start"); 
  do { 
      input = Serial.read(); 
  } while (input != '\n'); 
  for (i = 0; i < shots; i++) { 
      for (j = 0; j < distance; j++) { 
// Power on the IR trigger circuit to fire the camera 
void trigger() 
  delay(1000); // wait for vibration to settle 
  digitalWrite(fire, HIGH); // take the picture 
  delay(2000); // wait for that to happen 
  digitalWrite(fire, LOW); // disable the IR circuit again 
// Advance the motor by one step 
void step() 
  digitalWrite(stp, HIGH); //Trigger one step forward 
  digitalWrite(stp, LOW); //Pull step pin low so it can be triggered again 




Jennifer Deegan

Jennifer Deegan

16 projects • 20 followers
I am working on deep focus photography of specimens from 0.5mm to 2.5mm tall. I would be interested in receiving commissions.
