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Jen Fox
Published © MIT

How to send & see data from a Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub!

A quick, beginner-friendly introduction to sending and seeing data from a Raspberry Pi to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub!

BeginnerProtip30 minutes4,978
How to send & see data from a Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
A Pi 3 will also work!
Adafruit USB C power supply
Adafruit SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS


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Getting telemetry from a Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub

Download the full repo and navigate to the 01_iot folder for full instructions and code.


Jen Fox
34 projects • 141 followers
Dabbled in dark matter, settled into engineering w/ a blend of inventing and education! Sr.PM @ MicrosoftFounder/CEO of FoxBot Industries
