Jeremy Ellis
Published © MIT

Particle Photon Pay IOTA to Read Sensors

Use IOTA to send tokens and a return address to a Node.js website that controls what Particle Photon sensor information is returned.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours706
Particle Photon Pay IOTA to Read Sensors

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Photo resistor
Photo resistor
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
100 ohm to 1000 ohm resistor would be fine.
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Solderless Breadboard Full Size

Software apps and online services

Heroku Dynos
Heroku Dynos
The repository is setup to be ready to run when loaded onto heroku. Suggestion that you make your repository "private" before running and even then be very careful with your seed. I would suggest making a temporary seed to run this project.
I used an online docker image cloud platform for my demonstration video. only runs for 30 minutes with an open browser tab, so it is perfect for demonstration purposes. Probably a good idea not to leave a true IOTA seed on the site. Also note. to use for free your Github repository must be public. So do not leave your seed on Github! Probably best to never save your seed to a public github!


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Particle Photon, photoresistor and 1K ohm resistor

USing a voltage divider to control the raw signal from the photoresistor


Node js javascript software to generate a webpage that shows past transaction information and allows a newly generated IOTA address to be used to manually send IOTA to the software. The software then determines what acctuato (switch the D7 LEd) or sensor (photoresitor) data to return to a sent return address Instruction on the


Jeremy Ellis
2 projects • 0 followers
Thanks to iota-community.
