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Jim Haseloff
Published © CERN-OHL

Programmable Test-Rig (Part 1)

Development of an open, easily programmable platform for control and testing of prototype instrumentation.

IntermediateProtip8 hours3,696
Programmable Test-Rig (Part 1)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Totemmaker minilab
Totemmaker Starter Kit
4D Systems gen4-uLCD-70DT
4D Arduino Adaptor Shield
4D Systems 4D Arduino Adaptor Shield
DS18B20 Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
Maxim Integrated DS18B20 Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
400W Dual High-Power MOSFET Trigger Switch
PTC Heating Element 12V 70 degrees C
Artic Silver thermal adhesive
IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module
Elegoo Dupont jumper wires
55mm heatsink With Fan Cooler
5.5 x 2.1mm DC female DC jack power connector with screw terminal
12V 5A MaPower Supply Adapter

Software apps and online services

XOD programming environment
Workshop4 IDE
4D Systems Workshop4 IDE


Read more


XOD program file for microtube reactor prototype 1a

4D Systems Workshop4 code for touchscreen


Jim Haseloff

Jim Haseloff

49 projects • 54 followers
Synthetic Biologist/Professor at the University of Cambridge, organiser for OpenPlant, Biomaker and the SynBio IRC
