This is one of the projects in our upcoming learning kit for Analog Signals and Filter Design, a great circuit to learn analog filters
This is a anti face touch alarm cap that doesnt allows to touch your face.. this is a trainer cap to not to touch our face!!!
Keep that bad virus away from your safe zone. Build your own real-time thermal vision device to detect unwanted visitors at your door.
An open microbial bioreactor for growing cultures of about 1L.
Quality microcentrifuges are generally too expensive for most people to afford. This project aims to provide a low-cost alternative.
I made an Arduino library allowing simple communication with uECG device using nRF24 module - minimal example takes just a few lines.
Ultra low-cost flow-through photometer for on-line measurements of bacterial density.
Low-cost sensor for measuring mercury levels in water bodies at mining and industrial areas in Ghana.
Thermally insulated box that maintains sensitive samples like vaccines and cells at the desired temperature via battery or 12V sources.
Detailed informations, facts, and delusions about Rife machines, and whether these devices really heal.
ADITI is a connected bodysuit heating enabled incubator for preterm infants measuring ECG, Heart Rate, SpO2, Temp & Respiration comfortably.
Dog harness + computer vision + cellular network. Tracks dog biometrics and object recognition sending SMS notifications.
Allows students, educators, and hobbyists to learn about biomedicine by monitoring heart rate, temperature, and other physiological metrics.
It is a tool to monitor the presence of acetone in our breath. It uses gas sensor MQ-135, 1.3inch OLED display, DHT22 & Arduino Uno.
Detecting pH and lactic acid from vaginal discharge can help diagnose gynecological conditions.
A arduino robot that walks just like an ant. This form of locomotion has never been used before.
If you want a device that could measure your heart beat and plot its curve trace on an OLED display, then this will be your best guide.
Automated colour transmission and reflection measurement system for quantifying results of measurements with a colour change.
First example of a low-cost dissolved oxygen sensor that will allow the implementation of fed-batch DIY bioreactors
The objective is to decompress clinics and hospitals to reduce the time of exposure of health personnel to the COVID-19 virus(Based M5Stack)
A low-cost colorimeter for accurate detection of colour changes in medical diagnostic tests
The robot is controlled with an Arduino Nano and only uses 2 motors and 2 sensors. The program to control the robot is only 843 bytes big.
Realization of domotic greenhouse with Arduino Uno completely do it yourself
Let's play Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera with Wio Terminal!