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John Bradnam
Published © GPL3+

ATtiny1614 Function Generator

A tiny function generator built using the ATtiny1614 microprocessor and its internal Digital-To-Analog Convertor (DAC).

IntermediateFull instructions provided20 hours1,876
ATtiny1614 Function Generator

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip ATtiny1614
See Eagle files for bill of materials

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

STL Files

STL files for 3D printing (0.2mm layer height, no supports)


Schematic - Oscillator board

PCB - Oscillator Board

Schematic - Output Board

PCB - Output Board

Eagle Files

Schematic and PCBs in Eagle format



 * ATtiny1614 Audio Function Generator (20Hz to 20kHz)
 * John Bradnam (jbrad2089@gmail.com)
 * 2021-03-13 - Initial Code Base
 *            - Oscillator code based on code from rgco (https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-Waveform-Generator-1/)
 *            - Uses internal DAC to output waveform
 * 2021-03-18 - Fix equation in calculatePhaseIncrement           
 * ---------------------------------------
 * ATtiny1614 Pins mapped to Ardunio Pins
 *             +--------+
 *         VCC + 1   14 + GND
 * (SS)  0 PA4 + 2   13 + PA3 10 (SCK)
 *       1 PA5 + 3   12 + PA2 9  (MISO)
 * (DAC) 2 PA6 + 4   11 + PA1 8  (MOSI)
 *       3 PA7 + 5   10 + PA0 11 (UPDI)
 * (RXD) 4 PB3 + 6    9 + PB0 7  (SCL)
 * (TXD) 5 PB2 + 7    8 + PB1 6  (SDA)
 *             +--------+
 ' ----------------------------------------

#include <LedControl.h>

#define MAX7219_DATA 0 //PA4
#define MAX7219_CLK 1  //PA5
#define MAX7219_LOAD 3 //PA7

#define DAC_OUT 2      //PA6
#define ENC_A 10       //PA3
#define ENC_B 4        //PB3
#define ENC_S 9        //PA2

//MAX7219 not wired to correct digits on display to simply PCB routing
//Logical to Physical LED order 7,3,2,4,6
int8_t digits[] = {6, 4, 2, 3, 7};

int8_t rotaryDirection = 0;
bool lastRotA = false;
bool rotarySwitchPressed = false;

enum MenuEnum { WAVE, K10, K1, U100, U10, U1, RUN };
MenuEnum currentMenu = WAVE;

WaveEnum waveSelected = SINE;

#define PI 3.14159265
#define LOOP_TIME 59      //Found by trail and error. Set this to produce a 1kHz output when set to 1kHz
#define SAMPLES 256
#define DACMAX 256
byte waveform[SAMPLES];

#define FLASH_TIME 200
long flashTimeout;
int activeDigit = 0;
bool flash = false;

long currentFrequency = 1000;

LedControl lc=LedControl(MAX7219_DATA,MAX7219_CLK,MAX7219_LOAD,1);

// Setup Hardware
void setup() 
  //Encoder pins
  //The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup, we have to do a wakeup call
  //Set the brightness to a medium values
  //and clear the display

  //Setup the DAC
  DAC0.DATA = 0;

  //Interrupt handers for rotary encoder
  attachInterrupt(ENC_A, rotaryInterrupt, CHANGE);
  attachInterrupt(ENC_S, switchInterrupt, CHANGE);


// Interrupt Handler: Rotary encoder has moved
void rotaryInterrupt()
  if (!digitalRead(ENC_A) && lastRotA)
    //Record direction
    rotaryDirection = (digitalRead(ENC_B)) ? -1 : 1;
  lastRotA = digitalRead(ENC_A);

// Interrupt Handler: Rotary encoder shaft was pressed
void switchInterrupt()
  //Record when pressed
  rotarySwitchPressed = (digitalRead(ENC_S) == LOW);

//Display rotary control
void loop() 
  //Flash active digit
  if (millis() >= flashTimeout && currentMenu != RUN)
    flashTimeout = millis() + FLASH_TIME;
    flash = !flash;

    if (currentMenu == WAVE)
      writeWaveform(waveSelected, flash);
      writeNumber(currentFrequency, true, activeDigit, flash);

  //Handle pressing of encoder
  if (rotarySwitchPressed)
    rotarySwitchPressed = false;
    currentMenu = (currentMenu == RUN) ? WAVE : (MenuEnum)((int)currentMenu + 1);

    if (currentMenu == WAVE)
      //Set the waveform
      flashTimeout = millis();  //force update on next loop
      flash = false;            //next loop will set this true
    else if (currentMenu == RUN)
      writeNumber(currentFrequency, false, 0, true);    //Show frequency
      if (currentFrequency != 0)
        setWave(waveSelected);    //Fill waveform table
      activeDigit = 6 - (int)currentMenu;  //K10 -> 5, K1 -> 4, ... U1 = 1;
      flashTimeout = millis();  //force update on next loop
      flash = false;            //next loop will set this true

  //Handle rotary encoder itself
  if (rotaryDirection != 0)
    switch (currentMenu)
      case WAVE:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1)
          waveSelected = (waveSelected == RECTANGLE) ? SINE : (WaveEnum)((int)waveSelected + 1);
          waveSelected = (waveSelected == SINE) ? RECTANGLE : (WaveEnum)((int)waveSelected - 1);

      case K10:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1 && currentFrequency < 90000)
          currentFrequency += 10000;
        else if (rotaryDirection == -1 && currentFrequency > 0)
          currentFrequency -= 10000;

      case K1:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1 && currentFrequency < 99000)
          currentFrequency += 1000;
        else if (rotaryDirection == -1 && currentFrequency > 0)
          currentFrequency -= 1000;

      case U100:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1 && currentFrequency < 99900)
          currentFrequency += 100;
        else if (rotaryDirection == -1 && currentFrequency > 0)
          currentFrequency -= 100;

      case U10:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1 && currentFrequency < 99990)
          currentFrequency += 10;
        else if (rotaryDirection == -1 && currentFrequency > 0)
          currentFrequency -= 10;

      case U1:
        if (rotaryDirection == 1 && currentFrequency < 99999)
          currentFrequency += 1;
        else if (rotaryDirection == -1 && currentFrequency > 0)
          currentFrequency -= 1;
    rotaryDirection = 0;

// Calculate the phase increment. 
//  2^32/16E6=268.435456
//  2^32/20E0=214.7483648
unsigned long calculatePhaseIncrement(long freq)
  return 0.2147483648 * LOOP_TIME * freq * 1000;

//Fill waveform table with amplitude values for selected waveform
//  wave - waveforem selected
void setWave(WaveEnum wave)
  for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLES; ++s)
    float phip = (s + 0.5) / SAMPLES;
    float phi = 2 * PI * phip;
    int val=0;

      case SINE: val = (sin(phi) + 1.0) * DACMAX / 2; break;
      case TRIANGLE: val = abs(DACMAX * (1.0 - 2.0 * phip)); break;
      case RAMP_DOWN: val = DACMAX * (1.0 - phip); break;
      case RAMP_UP: val = DACMAX * phip; break;
      case RECTANGLE: val = (DACMAX - 1) * (phip > 0.5); break;
    waveform[s]=(byte)min(max(val,0),DACMAX - 1);

// Run oscillator
//  Run the oscillator until the rotary button pressed
void runOscillator(long freq)
  int redPhase;
  unsigned long phase = 0;
  unsigned long phaseInc = calculatePhaseIncrement(freq);
  TCD0.INTCTRL = 0;  //Disable TCD interrupts (millis() function timer)
  while (!rotarySwitchPressed)
    phase += phaseInc;
    redPhase = phase >> 24;
    DAC0.DATA = waveform[redPhase];
  TCD0.INTCTRL = TCD_OVF_bm;  //Enable TCD interrupts

//Display the current waveform on display
// s - Shape (0 - 4)
// on - true to show waveform, false to hide
void writeWaveform(WaveEnum s, bool on)
  //Clear display
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    lc.setChar(0, digits[i], ' ', false);
  if (on)
    //bit mapping to segments are dp,a,b,c, d,e,f,g
    switch (s)
      case SINE:
        lc.setDigit(0, digits[4], 5, false);
        lc.setRow(0, digits[3], 0x10);    //i
        lc.setRow(0, digits[2], 0x15);    //n
        lc.setChar(0, digits[1], 'E', false);
      case TRIANGLE:
        lc.setRow(0, digits[4], 0x0F);    //t
        lc.setRow(0, digits[3], 0x05);    //r
        lc.setRow(0, digits[2], 0x10);    //i
      case RAMP_DOWN:
        lc.setChar(0, digits[4], 'd', false);
        lc.setRow(0, digits[3], 0x1d);    //o
        lc.setRow(0, digits[2], 0x1c);    //u
        lc.setRow(0, digits[1], 0x15);    //n
      case RAMP_UP:
        lc.setRow(0, digits[4], 0x3E);    //U
        lc.setRow(0, digits[3], 0x67);    //P
      case RECTANGLE:
        lc.setRow(0, digits[4], 0x05);    //r
        lc.setChar(0, digits[3], 'E', false);
        lc.setRow(0, digits[2], 0x0d);    //c
        lc.setRow(0, digits[1], 0x0F);    //t

//Write number to display
//  num - (0 to 99999) 
//  leadingZeros - true to have leading zeros
//  flashDigit - Digit to flash (0 - no flash, 1..6 digit position)
//  flash - true to show digit, false to show blank
void writeNumber(long num, bool leadingZeros, int flashDigit, bool flash)
  num = max(min(num, 99999), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    if (flashDigit == (i + 1) && !flash)
      lc.setChar(0, digits[i], ' ', false);
    else if (num > 0 || i == 0 || leadingZeros)
      lc.setDigit(0, digits[i], num % 10, false);
      lc.setChar(0, digits[i], ' ', false);
    num = num / 10;


John Bradnam
147 projects • 181 followers
