Created a basic oscilloscope using 2 ADC in interleaved mode up to 24 msps, or dual channel Oscilloscope. Also support X/Y mode.
An affordable oscilloscope for anyone who enjoys soldering their own projects.
Standalone PC software to use your Arduino as an oscilloscope, supports up to eight channels, at rates up to 100 kHz.
Standalone Arduino 6-channel triggered oscilloscope with optional freeze frame.
With this instrument we can now observe the shape of signals with a frequency of up to 500KHz.
Make your own mini oscilloscope at home. It’s simple and easy to do!
Simple to build and useful instrument for your lab.
This Arduino-powered Web Oscilloscope supports trigger, and changing voltage/div, offset and time / div. It supports 6 channels.
Ever wanted to display any hand-drawn image on your fancy oscilloscope? Well, now you can!
Arduino LCD touch shield dual channel oscilloscope with equivalent time sampling
This project aims to provide insight into the workings of a digital oscilloscope. This project is designed to be an education tool.
Using a smart GPU2, a smart SHIELD and Arduino we created a simple touchscreen oscilloscope!
A variable frequency oscillator (VFO) is a necessary component in any tunable radio transmitter or receiver.
A difficult code with a try to display waveform on a small screen with precisions. Volts-time, frequency, duty cycle and divisions.
A discussion about digital sound synthesis.
A digital device that visualizes analog signal.
A photoresistor can sense the subtle changes in light intensity caused by your blood to detect your heartbeat!
The maximum signal frequency that the oscilloscope can display is 20 kHz, and the maximum input voltage is 5 V without a voltage divider.
How I built an oscilloscope using a Raspberry Pi Pico, some jellybean components from my electronics parts bin and a PVR from the dumpster.
Detailed informations, facts, and delusions about Rife machines, and whether these devices really heal.
A 500kS/s oscilloscope built on stripboard using basic parts
Based on a referenced project I implemented interleaved sampling for repetitive waves triggered at same point, achieving 3µs resolution.
Oscilloscope for Android device and Arduino.
Hatchimal toy animals can communicate with each other using infrared. Would it not be nice to be able to speak to them using Calliope Mini?