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José Simões
Published © MIT

Azure IoT Hub with nanoFramework

This project demos how easy it is to code a nanoFramework C# application to build a device connected to Azure IoT Hub using AMQP.

IntermediateProtip30 minutes2,094
Azure IoT Hub with nanoFramework

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STMicroelectronics STM32F769IDISCOVERY

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio extension
.NET nanoFramework Visual Studio extension
.NET nanoFramework nanoFramework.System.Net
AMQP.Net Lite
.NET nanoFramework AMQP.Net Lite
Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure IoT Hub


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nanoFramework Samples Repo

This repo contains several samples. For this particular project, navigate to the AMQP folder.


José Simões
9 projects • 16 followers
Founder of Eclo Solutions, hardware, software and embedded system enthusiast. Co-founder of the nanoFramework project.


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