José Simões
Published © MIT

Sending a Text Message (SMS) with SIM800H and nanoFramework

Sample showing how to initialize Eclo Solutions SIM800H module and send a text message (SMS) in C# using nanoFramework.

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Sending a Text Message (SMS) with SIM800H and nanoFramework

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using Eclo.nF.SIM800H;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Windows.Devices.Gpio;
using Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication;

namespace SIM800HSamples
    public class Program
        public static void Main()

            // loop forever and output available RAM each 5 seconds
            while (true)

                // output signal RSSI
                Console.WriteLine("Network signal strength is " + SIM800H.RetrieveSignalStrength().GetSignalStrengthDescription());

        static void InitializeSIM800H()
            // initialization of the module is very simple 
            // we just need to pass a serial port and an output signal to control the "power key" signal

            // SIM800H serial device
            SerialDevice sim800SerialDevice = SerialDevice.FromId("COM2");

            // SIM800H signal for "power key"
            GpioPin sim800PowerKey = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(0 * 1 + 10, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive);

            Console.WriteLine("... Configuring SIM800H ...");

            // add event handler to be aware of network registration status changes
            SIM800H.GsmNetworkRegistrationChanged += SIM800H_GsmNetworkRegistrationChanged;

            // it's wise to set this event handler to get the warning conditions from the module in case of under-voltage, over temperature, etc.
            SIM800H.WarningConditionTriggered += SIM800H_WarningConditionTriggered;

            // configure SIM800H device
            SIM800H.Configure(sim800PowerKey, ref sim800SerialDevice);

            // set event handler for SMS ready 
            SIM800H.SmsReady += SIM800H_SmsReady;

            // async call to power on module 
            // in this example we are implementing the callback in line
            SIM800H.PowerOnAsync((ar) =>
                // check result
                if (((PowerOnAsyncResult)ar).Result == PowerStatus.On)
                    Console.WriteLine("... Power on sequence completed...");
                    // something went wrong...
                    Console.WriteLine("### Power on sequence FAILED ###");

            Console.WriteLine("... Power on sequence started ...");

        private static void SIM800H_SmsReady()
            Console.WriteLine("... SIM800H SMS engine is ready ...");

            // setup event handler to be notified when a new SMS arrives
            // because we may receive this event more than once (module wake-up, reboot, intermittent registration in network, etc.
            // it's advisable to always remove the handler before adding it this way we'll be sure that only one event handle is setup

            SIM800H.SmsProvider.SmsReceived -= SmsProvider_SmsReceived;
            SIM800H.SmsProvider.SmsReceived += SmsProvider_SmsReceived;

            // launch a new thread to send an SMS in 2 seconds
            new Thread(() =>

                // send SMS asynchronously 
                // set a callback to check the outcome 
                // replace the White House switch board number bellow with a valid mobile number 
                // the number must ALWAYS include the country code and international prefix
                SIM800H.SmsProvider.SendTextMessageAsync("+12025551212", "Hello from SIM800H module", (ar) =>
                    if (((SendTextMessageAsyncResult)ar).Reference == -1)
                        // something went wrong...
                        Console.WriteLine("### FAILED sending SMS ###");
                        Console.WriteLine("... SMS sent ...");



        private static void SmsProvider_SmsReceived(byte messageIndex)
            // the handler receives the index of the message received
            // now we need to actually read the message
            // as an optional argument we can set the message to be marked as read (or not) 
            var message = SIM800H.SmsProvider.ReadTextMessage(messageIndex);

            // Something worth noting is that the module has a limited capacity to handle storage.
            // This means that you should delete the messages that you don't need in storage anymore.
            // Having the SMS storage full prevents the module from receiving more messages without any further warning or error.

            Console.WriteLine("Message from " + message.TelephoneNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Received @ " + message.Timestamp);
            Console.WriteLine("�" + message.Text + "�");

        private static void SIM800H_GsmNetworkRegistrationChanged(NetworkRegistrationState networkState)

        private static void SIM800H_WarningConditionTriggered(WarningCondition warningCondition)
            // get friendly string for this warning condition

Source code


José Simões
9 projects • 16 followers
Founder of Eclo Solutions, hardware, software and embedded system enthusiast. Co-founder of the nanoFramework project.


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