This project is about Wireless charging in smart phones because in now a days charging is the main drawback in smart phone. By using the device called rectinna we can transmit the power through microwaves. If we implement this in a public area or office or home we can charge our mobile phones by connecting to the microwaves signal. It will act as like wifi. Mobile will convert the microwaves into power and send it back to the battery of the mobile phone. If we implement this we can charge our mobile phone at anywhere and any instant. There is no necessity of carrying charger during long travel. Definitely it will be a best solution for problems in smart phone charging.
Rectifier is a nonlinear circuit, which converts RF power into DC power. The main characteristics of the operating effectiveness of a rectenna is its efficiency, determined by the losses, which arise during its conversion into DC power.
we have proposed in this study a rectenna with an aperture coupled patch antenna operating at a single ISM-band frequency 2.45GHz. The CACP with a stub length equal to 110mm avoids the re-radiation of harmonics generated by the diode during the Rectifying process. This results can be achieved b the integration of the band pass filter of the rectenna in thne proposed aperture coupled patch antenna structure. This feature can be interesting to accomodate limited space systems like in wireless sensors networks where the rectenna circuit can be used as an energy module.
So by interfacing this circuit with the mobile phone we can receive tha signal and amplify it and we can use it for the charging purpose.