#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h> //https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
#include <aJSON.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define pcr(x) {if(DEBUG) Serial.print(x);}
#define pln(x) {if(DEBUG) Serial.println(x);}
#define pr(x) {if(DEBUG) Serial.println("");}
#define px(x,v){pr();pcr(x);pln(v);}
#define pf(x,v,f){if(f) px(x,v);}
#define pa(x,v){ Serial.print(x); Serial.println(v);} //print anyway
#define MAXCOLUMN 90
#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable prints and save space
#include <CayenneESP8266WiFi.h>
char username[] = "44018410-7bd5-11e7-afeb-31ee1d0dc225";
char password[] = "f13c3789fc76a9de7c72c62a5755cefea7e639a9";
char clientID[] = "c0377050-7be7-11e7-b8f9-111f8d0a5e91";
int DEBUG = 1;
//define your default values here.
char thinkpage_host[25] = "api.thinkpage.cn";
char thinkpage_port[6] = "80";
char thinkpage_key[30] = "";
char thinkpage_city[30] = "";
char thinkpage_unity[5] = "c"; //celsus
//eeprom max sector length
#define seclength 32
//flag for saving data
bool shouldSaveConfig = false;
const char dayofweekCs[][8] = {"---", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
const char daysTextCs[][8] = {"Today", "Tomoow", "AfTomo", "C", "M", "D", "Y", "to"};
const char currentWeatherTextCs[] = {"N o w"};
typedef struct {
String ssid = "";
String pass = "";
String city = "";
String thinkpage_key = "";
} EEPROMDataS_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t templow = 0;
uint8_t temphigh = 0;
uint8_t WeatherCode = 0;
String High = "";
String Low = "";
String WeatherText = "";
boolean valid = false;
} Wea_t;
Wea_t WeatherNow;
Wea_t WeatherToday;
Wea_t WeatherTomorrow;
Wea_t WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow;
Wea_t WeatherForecaResultStstructure[] = {
WeatherNow, WeatherToday, WeatherTomorrow,
typedef struct {
String year = "";
String hour = "";
String mint = "";
String month = "";
String days = "";
String second = "";
boolean valid = false;
uint8_t week = 0;
} Tim_t;
Tim_t TimNow;
typedef struct {
String UserId = "";
String NotebookId = "";
String Token = "";
String NotebookId1 = "";
String NotebookId2 = "";
String NotebookId3 = "";
uint8_t number = 0;
} NotebookStructure_t;
typedef struct {
String note = "";
String title = "";
String date = ""; //to do
boolean ok = false;
uint8_t number = 0;
} note_t;
SoftwareSerial swSer(14, 12, false, 256);
WiFiClient client;
//const char* ssid = "your-ssid";
//const char* password = "your-pass";
const char* host = "api.thinkpage.cn";
const char* key = "gluukolgujxkvutp";
String line = "";
char jsonbuf[512] = {0};
void setup() {
// We start by connecting to a WiFi network
pr(); pr();
swSer.println("SPG(2);");//show wifi connect status ...
// AutoConnectWifi();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
delay(1000); getWeatherForecastInDayof(i + 1) ;
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID);
void usartGpuInit() {
//softwa serial
swSer.println("SPG(1);"); //show logo
void usartGpuShowWinBox() {
const char* str1 = "W8BF(0,0,80,80,2);";
const char* str2 = "W8BF(85,0,219,80,3);";
const char* str3 = "W8BF(75,85,145,175,1);";
const char* str4 = "W8BF(0,85,70,175,6);";
const char* str5 = "W8BF(150,85,219,175,7);";
const char* str6 = "SBC(52);";
const char* initstr[] = {str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6};
//usart gou init
for (int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < 6; i++) {
swSer.println(initstr[i]); delay(50);
//callback notifying us of the need to save config
void saveConfigCallback () {
Serial.println("Should save config");
shouldSaveConfig = true;
void AutoConnectWifi() {
// The extra parameters to be configured (can be either global or just in the setup)
// After connecting, parameter.getValue() will get you the configured value
// id/name placeholder/prompt default length
EEPROMDataS_t eepromdata = eepromgetall();
eepromdata.thinkpage_key.toCharArray(thinkpage_key, eepromdata.thinkpage_key.length() + 1);
eepromdata.city.toCharArray(thinkpage_city, eepromdata.city.length() + 1);
px("[debug]:key is:", thinkpage_key); px("length:", sizeof(thinkpage_key));
px("[debug]:city is:", thinkpage_city); px("length:", sizeof(thinkpage_city));
WiFiManagerParameter custon_thinkpage_key("key", "thinkpage key", thinkpage_key, sizeof(thinkpage_key));//id placeholder defaultvalue length
WiFiManagerParameter custon_thinkpage_city("city", "thinkpage city", thinkpage_city, sizeof(thinkpage_city)); //id placeholder defaultvalue length
// WiFiManagerParameter custon_thinkpage_unity("unity", "thinkpage unity", thinkpage_unity, 5);//id placeholder defaultvalue length
//Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
WiFiManager wifiManager;
//set config save notify callback
//set static ip
//wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10, 0, 1, 99), IPAddress(10, 0, 1, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
//add all your parameters here
// wifiManager.addParameter(&custon_thinkpage_unity);
if (!wifiManager.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP", "12345678")) {
Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout");
//reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep
//if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
//read updated parameters
const char *val1 = custon_thinkpage_key.getValue();
const char *val2 = custon_thinkpage_city.getValue();
strcpy(thinkpage_key, val1);
strcpy(thinkpage_city, val2);
// strcpy(thinkpage_unity, custon_thinkpage_unity.getValue());
if (shouldSaveConfig) {
Serial.println("saving config");
eepromflush(2); eepromflush(3);
eepromsave(2, thinkpage_city);
eepromsave(3, thinkpage_key);
px("[debug]:tp_city:", thinkpage_city); px("length is:", sizeof(thinkpage_city));
px("[debug]:tp_key:", thinkpage_key); px("length is:", sizeof(thinkpage_key));
//end save
Serial.printf("para1 is:%s ...para2 is :%s\r\n", thinkpage_key, thinkpage_city);
Serial.println("local ip");
// thinkpage_key = eepromget(2);
// thinkpage_city = eepromget(3);
void printWeather(Wea_t Wea) {
px("WeatherText:", Wea.WeatherText);
px("WeatherCode:", Wea.WeatherCode);
px("Temp low :", Wea.Low);
px("Temp high :", Wea.High);
outp:-1-->not find / >0-->find
int StringFind(const char *pSrc, const char *pDst) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; pSrc[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (pSrc[i] != pDst[0])
j = 0;
while (pDst[j] != '\0' && pSrc[i + j] != '\0')
if (pDst[j] != pSrc[i + j])
if (pDst[j] == '\0')
return i;
return -1;
name:current weather
boolean getCurrentWeather() {
boolean succeed = false;
memset(jsonbuf, 0, sizeof(jsonbuf));
px("[Net]:Connecting to ", host);
const int httpPort = 80;
char retryTimes = 5;
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort) && retryTimes--) {
px("[NetServer]:client connect failed,and is retrying for ", retryTimes);
if (retryTimes == 0)return succeed;
String url1 = "/v3/weather/now.json?key=";
url1 += thinkpage_key;
url1 += "&location=";
url1 += thinkpage_city;
url1 += "&language=en&=";
px("[Net]:Request url ", url1);
////This will send the request to the server
client.print(String("GET ") + url1 + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
uint32_t timeout = millis();
while (client.available() == 0) {
if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
px("[Net]:Client timeout!", " ");
return succeed;
char c = 0;
boolean isOver = false;
uint16_t bufferPos = 0;
uint8_t status_ = 0, innerstatus = 0, innercnt = 0;
uint8_t tempstatus = 0; char temp[5] = "Date";
uint8_t cnt = 0, i = 0;
//char *str=0;
String Timestamp = "";
while (client.available()) {
c = client.read();
// pcr(c);
// split the time string Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 04:35:12 GMT
switch (tempstatus) {
case 0: {
if (c == ':') {
tempstatus = 1;
pf("[Debug]:time:got ", c, 0);
} break;
case 1: {
if (c == ' ' | c == ':') {
c = ',';
pf("[Debug]:time:got ' ' or ':' and cnt=", cnt, 0);
Timestamp += c;
if (cnt == 8) {
tempstatus = 3;
pf("[Debug]:time:cnt = 8 and tempstatus =", tempstatus, 0);
} break;
case 3: {
tempstatus = 4;
pcr("[Debug]:Time stamp:"); pln(Timestamp);
} break;
switch (status_) {
case 0: {
if (c == '{')
if (innercnt == 4)
status_ = 1;
} break;
case 1: {
if (c != '}') {
jsonbuf[bufferPos] = c;
bufferPos ++;
status_ = 2;
} break;
case 2: { //rec "text":"Cloudy","code":"4","temperature":"20"
isOver = true;
} break;
} //switch case
px("[Local]:Jsonbuf-length:", bufferPos);
px("[Local]:Jsonbuf :", jsonbuf);
parsetimestamp(Timestamp); //
if (isOver) {
//add '{' '}' to jsonbuf
char tep = jsonbuf[bufferPos - 1];
// pln(tep);
for (int i = 0; i < bufferPos; i++) {
jsonbuf[bufferPos - i] = jsonbuf[bufferPos - 1 - i];
jsonbuf[0] = '{';
jsonbuf[bufferPos++] = tep;
jsonbuf[bufferPos++] = '}';
pf("[Local]:Jsonbuf-length:", bufferPos, 0);
pf("[Local]:Jsonbuf :", jsonbuf, 0);
aJsonObject *noww = aJson.parse(jsonbuf);
if (noww) {
succeed = true;
bufferPos = 0;
aJsonObject *WeatherText = aJson.getObjectItem(noww, "text");
aJsonObject *tmp = aJson.getObjectItem(noww, "temperature");
aJsonObject *WeatherCode = aJson.getObjectItem(noww, "code");
px("[Debug]:temperature:", tmp->valuestring);
px("[Debug]:weathercode:", WeatherCode->valuestring);
px("[Debug]:weathertext:", WeatherText->valuestring);
String str = WeatherCode->valuestring;
WeatherNow.valid = true;
WeatherNow.Low = tmp->valuestring;
WeatherNow.WeatherText = WeatherText->valuestring;
if (str.toInt() == 99)WeatherNow.WeatherCode = 40;
else if (str.toInt() == 0)WeatherNow.WeatherCode = 39;
else WeatherNow.WeatherCode = str.toInt(); //int
//char *str
}//if noww
}//isOver //
px("[Net]:", "Closing conncetion!")
return succeed;
void parsetimestamp(String timestamp) {
//parse Timestamp
const char months[][4] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
const char weeks[][5] = {"---", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
int debug = 0;
// String Timestamp = ",Tue,,11,Apr,2017,04,35,12,";
String Timestamp = timestamp;
pf("[Debug]:start to parse time stamp ", 0, 1);
uint8_t index, index1;
uint8_t strlength = Timestamp.length();
index = Timestamp.indexOf(',');
px("[Debug]:the fitst index of , is ", index);
//cut the 1th ,
String substr = Timestamp.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is:", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
String week = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the week is:", week);
debug = 0;
char temp[5];
strcpy(temp, week.c_str()); //!!!
pf("[Debug]:convert week to char* ,and its length is ", sizeof(temp), debug);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (StringFind(temp, weeks[i]) >= 0) {
pf("[Debug]:the weeks[i] is ", weeks[i], debug);
TimNow.week = i;
pf("[Debug]:the week in number is:", i, debug);
//skip 2 ','s
substr = substr.substring(index + 2, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is:", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
String days = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the days is : ", days);
TimNow.days = days;
substr = substr.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is:", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
String month = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the month is : ", month);
// char temp[4];
debug = 0;
strcpy(temp, month.c_str()); //!!!
pf("[Debug]:convert week to char* ,and its length is ", sizeof(temp), debug);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (StringFind(temp, months[i]) >= 0) {
pf("[Debug]:the months[i] is ", months[i], debug);
TimNow.month = i + 1;
pf("[Debug]:the months in number is ", i, debug);
substr = substr.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is ", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
String year = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the year is ", year);
TimNow.year = year;
substr = substr.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is ", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
String value = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the hour is ", value);
TimNow.hour = (String)(value.toInt() + 8);
substr = substr.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is:", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
value = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the mint is ", value);
TimNow.mint = value;
substr = substr.substring(index + 1, strlength);
pf("[Debug]:the sub string is:", substr, debug);
index = substr.indexOf(',');
value = substr.substring(0, index);
px("[Debug]:the second is ", value);
TimNow.second = value;
void printTime() {
String tim, mint, second, hour;
// if (TimNow.mint.toInt() < 10&&TimNow.mint.toInt() >0)mint = '0' + TimNow.mint;
// else
mint = TimNow.mint;
// if (TimNow.second.toInt() < 10)second = '0' + TimNow.second;
// else
second = TimNow.second;
// if (TimNow.hour.toInt() < 10&&TimNow.hour.toInt() > 0)hour = '0' + TimNow.hour;
// else
hour = TimNow.hour;
tim = "Date:" + TimNow.year + '/' + TimNow.month + '/' + TimNow.days + "\r\n" +
"Time:" + hour + ':' + mint + ':' + second + " " + TimNow.week ;
pr(); pln(tim);
//must run in the main loop
void updateTime() {
uint32_t allsecond = 0;
allsecond = (TimNow.hour.toInt()) * 3600 + (TimNow.mint.toInt()) * 60 + TimNow.second.toInt();
static uint32_t pretimeUpdateTime;
if (millis() - pretimeUpdateTime > 1000) {
pretimeUpdateTime = millis();
allsecond ++;
pf("the whole second is ", allsecond, 0);
TimNow.second = (String)(allsecond % 60); pf("second:", TimNow.second, 0);
TimNow.mint = (String)(allsecond % 3600 / 60); pf("mint:", TimNow.mint, 0);
TimNow.hour = (String)(allsecond / 3600); pf("hour:", TimNow.hour, 0);
day=1--->today's forecast
day=2--->tomorrow's forecast
day=3--->the day after tomorrow's forecast
boolean getWeatherForecastInDayof(uint8_t day) {
char c = 0;//
boolean isBody = false;
uint16_t bufferPos = 0;
//qm = quotation mark
//sm = semicolon
boolean isHead = false, isStart = false;
uint8_t cnt = 0;
boolean isQmS = false;
boolean isSearching = true;
boolean succeed = false;
char buf[6] = {0};
memset(jsonbuf, 0, sizeof(jsonbuf));
memset(buf, 0, 5);
// WiFiClient client;
const int httpPort = 80;
uint8_t retryTimes = 5;
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort) && retryTimes--) {
px("[NetServer]:client connect failed,and is retrying for ", retryTimes);
if (retryTimes == 0)return false;
String city = thinkpage_city;
String unit = "c";
String url1 = "/v3/weather/daily.json?key=";
uint8_t startday = 0;
uint8_t forecastdays = 1;
if (day == 2)startday = 1;
if (day == 3)startday = 2;
url1 += thinkpage_key;
url1 += "&location=";
url1 += thinkpage_city;
url1 += "&language=en&uint=";
url1 += unit;
url1 += "&start=";
url1 += (String)startday;
url1 += "&days=";
url1 += (String)forecastdays;
px("[Net]:Request url :", url1);
////This will send the request to the server
client.print(String("GET ") + url1 + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
uint32_t timeout = millis();
while (client.available() == 0) {
if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
px("[Net]:", "Client timeout!");
return false;;
while (client.available()) {
c = client.read();
if (c == '{') {
isBody = true;
if (isBody) {
if ((c == 'd') && isSearching) {
isQmS = true;
cnt = 0;
memset(buf, 0, 5);
pf("[Debug]:Find 'd' ", cnt, 0);
if (isQmS) {
buf[cnt] += c;
pf("[Debug]:Receiving and cnt is ", cnt, 0);
if (cnt == 5) {
isQmS = false;
cnt = 0;
if (!strcmp(buf, "daily")) { //buf == daily
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("find daily");
pf("[Debug]:Find 'daily' ", 0, 0);
isStart = true;
isSearching = false;
if (isStart) {
// if (DEBUG)Serial.print("handle jsonbuf head");
strcpy(jsonbuf, "{\"dail");
isStart = false;
isHead = true;
bufferPos = 6;
if (isHead ) {
jsonbuf[bufferPos++] = c;
//if(DEBUG)Serial.print("receive c");
px("[Local]:Jsonbuf-length:", bufferPos);
px("[Local]:Jsonbuf :", jsonbuf);
aJsonObject *wea = aJson.parse(jsonbuf);
bufferPos = 0;
if (wea) {
aJsonObject *ws = aJson.getObjectItem(wea, "daily");
if (ws) {
aJsonObject *res = aJson.getArrayItem(ws, 0);
if (res) {
aJsonObject *text_day = aJson.getObjectItem(res, "text_day");
if (text_day ) {
pf("[Debug]:text_day:", text_day ->valuestring, 1);
aJsonObject *high = aJson.getObjectItem(res, "high");
if (high) {
pf("[Debug]:high: ", high->valuestring, 1);
aJsonObject *low = aJson.getObjectItem(res, "low");
if (low) {
pf("[Debug]:Low :", low->valuestring, 1);
aJsonObject *code_day = aJson.getObjectItem(res, "code_day");
if (code_day) {
pf("[Debug]:Code_day :", code_day->valuestring, 1);
succeed = true;
String str = code_day->valuestring; uint8_t code;
if (str.toInt() == 0)code = 39;
else if (str.toInt() == 99)code = 40;
else code = str.toInt();
switch (day) {
case 1: {
WeatherToday.High = high->valuestring;
WeatherToday.Low = low->valuestring;
WeatherToday.WeatherCode = code;
WeatherToday.WeatherText = text_day ->valuestring;
} break;
case 2: {
WeatherTomorrow.High = high->valuestring;
WeatherTomorrow.Low = low->valuestring;
WeatherTomorrow.WeatherCode = code;
WeatherTomorrow.WeatherText = text_day ->valuestring;
} break;
case 3: {
WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow.High = high->valuestring;
WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow.Low = low->valuestring;
WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow.WeatherCode = code;
WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow.WeatherText = text_day ->valuestring;
} break;
} //switch case
} //json is valid
}//ws is valid
}//root is valid
return succeed;
//show current time
void updateCurrentWeatherDis(Tim_t Time) {
char buf[60] = {0};
//varaiable values
char Texttemp[10] = {0};
strcpy(Texttemp, (WeatherNow.WeatherText).c_str());
int tempLow = (WeatherToday.Low).toInt() , tempHigh = (WeatherNow.Low).toInt();
int WeatherPic = WeatherNow.WeatherCode;
int wp1 = WeatherToday.WeatherCode,
wp2 = WeatherTomorrow.WeatherCode,
wp3 = WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow.WeatherCode;
// uint8_t hour = (Time.hour).toInt();
// uint8_t mint = (Time.mint).toInt();
uint16_t year = (Time.year).toInt();
uint8_t month = (Time.month).toInt();
uint8_t days = (Time.days).toInt();
uint8_t week = Time.week;
int dayofweek1 = Time.week ,
dayofweek2 = Time.week + 1,
dayofweek3 = Time.week + 2;
if (dayofweek3 % 7 == 0 && dayofweek3 / 7 != 0)dayofweek3 = 7;
else dayofweek3 = dayofweek3 % 7;
if (dayofweek2 % 7 == 0 && dayofweek2 / 7 != 0)dayofweek2 = 7;
else dayofweek2 = dayofweek2 % 7;
sprintf(buf, "DS16(5,5,'%d/%d/%d',15,0);", year, month, days );
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, "SBC(53);DS16(88,5,'%s',15,0);PIC(157,10,%d);", currentWeatherTextCs, WeatherPic);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, "DS16(86,54,'%d%s%d%s',15,0);DS16(90,30,'%s',15,0);", tempLow, daysTextCs[7], tempHigh, daysTextCs[3], Texttemp);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, "PIC(5,112,%d);PIC(80,112,%d);PIC(155,112,%d);SBC(56);", wp1, wp2, wp3);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, "DS16(10,90,'%s',15,0);SBC(51);DS16(85,90,'%s',15,0);", dayofweekCs[dayofweek1], dayofweekCs[dayofweek2]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, "SBC(57);DS16(160,90,'%s',15,0);", dayofweekCs[dayofweek3]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
void usartGpuUpdateTimeDis(uint8_t blinkCursor, Tim_t TimeStrture) {
char buf[50] = {0};
//WeatherToday, WeatherTomorrow, WeatherTheDayAfterTomorrow;
uint8_t hour = (TimeStrture.hour).toInt();
if (hour == 24)hour = 0;
uint8_t mint = (TimeStrture.mint).toInt();
uint8_t week = TimeStrture.week;
char Cursor = ':';
if (!blinkCursor)Cursor = ' ';
if (hour < 10)
sprintf(buf, "DS32(0,40,'0%d%c%d',15);DS16(15,22,'%s',15,0);", hour, Cursor, mint, dayofweekCs[week]);
else if (mint < 10)
sprintf(buf, "DS32(0,40,'%d%c0%d',15);DS16(15,22,'%s',15,0);", hour, Cursor, mint, dayofweekCs[week]);
sprintf(buf, "DS32(0,40,'%d%c%d',15);DS16(15,22,'%s',15,0);", hour, Cursor, mint, dayofweekCs[week]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
//variable values
uint32_t pretimeGetForecast, pretimePrintTime, pretimeUsartGpuUpdateTimeDis;
uint8_t Cursor = 1;
uint32_t daysCnt = 0;
uint8_t status_ = 1; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#define TIMEINTERVAL 1000*60*10;
uint32_t timeInterval = TIMEINTERVAL;
uint32_t lastMillis = 0;
void loop() {
// uint32_t timeIntervalGetForecast = timeInterval; //10min
uint32_t timeIntervalPrintTime = 1000;
// updateTime();//update timNow struct,retain the time clock still running ,but it is not precise
switch (status_) {
case 1: {
status_ = 2;
} break;
case 2: {
status_ = 3;
if (millis() - pretimeGetForecast > timeInterval) {
pretimeGetForecast = millis();
timeInterval = 500;
getWeatherForecastInDayof(daysCnt + 1) ; daysCnt++;
if (daysCnt == 3) {
timeInterval = TIMEINTERVAL;
daysCnt = 0;
else status_ = 1; //
} break;
case 3: {
status_ = 4;
if (millis() - pretimeUsartGpuUpdateTimeDis > 1000) { //bind with updateTime();
pretimeUsartGpuUpdateTimeDis = millis();
usartGpuUpdateTimeDis(Cursor, TimNow);
if (Cursor)Cursor = 0;
else Cursor = 1;
} break;
case 4: {
status_ = 1;
if (millis() - pretimePrintTime > timeIntervalPrintTime) {
pretimePrintTime = millis();
// printTime();
} break;
if (millis() - lastMillis > 10000) {
lastMillis = millis();
//Write data to Cayenne here. This example just sends the current uptime in milliseconds.
Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, millis());
//Some examples of other functions you can use to send data.
// Cayenne.celsiusWrite(1, 22.0);
uint32_t size = ESP.getFreeHeap();
Cayenne.virtualWrite(1, size);
//Cayenne.luxWrite(2, 700);
//Cayenne.virtualWrite(3, 50, TYPE_PROXIMITY, UNIT_CENTIMETER);
printf("Millis:%d \tfreeheap:%d!\r\n", lastMillis, size);
key ... 1,2,3
val ... val1,val2,val3
sava value with key
void eepromsave(uint8_t key, char * val) {
int add = seclength * key;
while (*val) {
// Serial.print(add); Serial.print(*val);
EEPROM.write(add++, *val);
//Default function for processing actuator commands from the Cayenne Dashboard.
//You can also use functions for specific channels, e.g CAYENNE_IN(1) for channel 1 commands.
CAYENNE_LOG("CAYENNE_IN_DEFAULT(%u) - %s, %s", request.channel, getValue.getId(), getValue.asString());
//Process message here. If there is an error set an error message using getValue.setError(), e.g getValue.setError("Error message");
key ...
get value by key
void eepromflush(uint8_t key) {
uint8_t start = key * seclength;
for (int i = start ; i < start + seclength; i++) {
EEPROM.write(i, 0);
String eepromget(uint8_t key) {
String temp = "";
uint8_t start = 0;
start = key * seclength;
for (int i = start ; i < start + seclength; i++) {
char c = EEPROM.read(i);
if (c != 0)
temp += char(c);
return temp;
get all useful data from eeprom
EEPROMDataS_t eepromgetall() {
EEPROMDataS_t eepromdat;
eepromdat.ssid = eepromget(0);
eepromdat.pass = eepromget(1);
eepromdat.city = eepromget(2);
eepromdat.thinkpage_key = eepromget(3);
return eepromdat;