During the summer season plants get dried up due to lack of proper watering and food supply. The hot sun vapors the water content, so watering the plants by various water management techniques like drip irrigation, sprinklers are very much required to protect plants and trees from starving. For this we must consult the agriculturist with proper data like soil temperature, humidity, soil moisture, sun light, winds, air temperature in order to get suggestions for improving the plant conditions from starving. The Arduino 101 is likely to be good IoT device to monitor and collect data from sensors like soil temperature, soil moisture, air temperature, humidity, sun radiation with its on-board GPIO's and transfer data via Bluetooth to the nearby IoT gateway device for future analysis. With all the data from Arduino 101 interfaced sensors we can get clarity how and when to water, protect from sun and heat, condition of soil. If plants and trees are sustained then birds and animals will not migrate, they also have food and shelter. Once the trees and plants are sustained which lead to environmental protection from harmful pollutants like CO and Co2. Aurdino 101 will be a protector of environment and can be also useful to farmer to water and protect their fruit trees, flowering plants from starving during summer.
1) The list of components are chosen to built the plant protector system. They were available online from various vendors.
2) Schematic diagram shows the connection of components. For more details how to use and download visit the following URL http://fritzing.org/home/ .
3) Arduino program is written in Arduino IDE screen shot image and code is given in the below. The IDE can be downloaded from the following URL https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Arduino101
4) The programed hardware is kept for testing the Dry soil represents 'D', Humid soil as 'H' and wet soil as 'W'. The temperature of surrounding and soil moisture data are display on LCD screen.
5) Here is the idea of using the device, In fig. 6 upper part of yellow color line indicates the soil is wet, between yellow and red color the soil is humid and below the red line the soil is completely dry. This portion is very important to plant because all root of plants are more at this region it is important to use so see this portion to be wet. For this we need top setup the sensor at this position so the water quantity available at root is easily identify so that the plants will be protected from starving.
6) The data can be viewed through mobile app BLYNK and can download from the following URL http://www.blynk.cc/ The detail step by step and some of examples are available. This my app for the plant protector it can be used by QR code scanning.
7) The video shows how the device is working and it can be helpful to protect plants from starving and controlling the birds from migration.
8) The birds are really enjoying when the drop by drop water is coming this also keeps the plants to absorb water more. This type of watering device will protect plants as well as birds and small animals during summer season mainly. I think this project help in protecting earth to.
Thanking you.