Almost an exact copy of Digilent's Pmod BLE but this design includes the signal names on bottom in case you want to use Dupont cables instead of the standard Pmod female socket. So no more checking the schematics or other documentation to get the pinout.
We had some samples of the RN4871 and PCB coupons from JLCPCB and decided to create a Pmod.
The design tool is KiCad.
Before assembly pics.
This module was assembled with some spare parts and a soldering iron.
The RN4870/71 supports a variety of UART commands for controlling and configuration. Any Bluetooth scanner on your phone should work to test, as for the USB to Serial make sure the I/Os are less than 3.6V
Here is a video sending some UART commands and connecting with BLE scanner app.
Hopefully we'll post a cool application in the near future.
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