This smart AWS IoT PT system is a solution to enhance your exercise. Analysis on user's current health state and play/switch music depend on aggregated data in real-time.
Pre-workoutWhen you push IoT device button, System register (or authenticate) device with MAC address. If the device is in our list, deploy message queue service every single device.
This queue is main method to communicate between server and device.
WorkoutSensors collects data (body temperature, heartbeat, emotion, etc.) and send health data to AWS Kinesis through Intel Edision using AWS SDK. Aggregate data from Kinesis and compare health data with your average data which is stored in dynamoDB.
API server handles aggregated data to make read-able information(include music metadata) and send information to SQS. IoT device catch current status via SQS and display information on LCD and play music through Bluetooth speaker. If you already activate your phone, system can push information through AWS push service (SNS).
Post-workoutAfter workout, system make today report using EMR with Kinesis data and store report in S3 to share (to your friends!).