Natthakit KIMBAB Kang
Published © GPL3+

Cubik Lamp

Super cool Rubik's cube lamp made to relax students in the middle of tense study at night.

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Cubik Schematic

Inside Cubik brain i manage to connect Aduino Mega with On/Off switch, potentiometer and LED data line. I am using WS2812B RGB light strip because it is much easier to manage the wire instead of traditional LED. I also connect Xbee to this unit to receive the Serial data from the controller in case of interactivity.


Cubik lamp code

Just upload this code on Arduino mega under Cubik lamp
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define controller Serial1
#define cubik Serial
#define ledPin 3

int incomingByte = 0;

Adafruit_NeoPixel rubikLight = Adafruit_NeoPixel(54, ledPin);

int white[3]  = { 238, 150, 238 };
int red[3]    = { 255, 0  , 0   };
int blue[3]   = { 0  , 0  , 255 };
int violet[3] = { 255, 80 , 0   };
int green[3]  = { 0  , 55 , 0   };
int yellow[3] = { 255, 200, 0   };

// int white[3]  = { 255, 255, 255 };
// int red[3]    = { 255, 0  , 0   };
// int blue[3]   = { 0  , 0  , 255 };
// int violet[3] = { 238, 150, 238 };
// int green[3]  = { 0  , 55 , 0   };
// int yellow[3] = { 255, 255, 0   };

int colorBufferTH[3]     = { 0, 0, 0}; 
int colorBufferMH[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int colorBufferBH[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};

int colorBufferLVL[3]    = { 0, 0, 0}; 
int colorBufferLVM[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int colorBufferLVR[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};

int colorBufferRVL[3]    = { 0, 0, 0}; 
int colorBufferRVM[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int colorBufferRVR[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};

int topBufferOne[3]      = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferOne[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferTwo[3]      = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferTwo[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferThree[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferThree[3] = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferFour[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferFour[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferFive[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferFive[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferSix[3]      = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferSix[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferSeven[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferSeven[3] = { 0, 0, 0};
int topBufferEight[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int bottomBufferEight[3] = { 0, 0, 0};

int leftBufferOne[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferOne[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferTwo[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferTwo[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferThree[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferThree[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferFour[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferFour[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferFive[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferFive[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferSix[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferSix[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferSeven[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferSeven[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int leftBufferEight[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int rightBufferEight[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};

int frontBufferOne[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferOne[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferTwo[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferTwo[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferThree[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferThree[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferFour[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferFour[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferFive[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferFive[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferSix[3]    = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferSix[3]     = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferSeven[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferSeven[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};
int frontBufferEight[3]  = { 0, 0, 0};
int backBufferEight[3]   = { 0, 0, 0};

int FirstPanel[3][3][4]        = { {{0 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {1 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {2 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   }} , {{3 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {4 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {5 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   }} , {{6 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {7 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   } , {8 , red[0]   , red[1]   , red[2]   }} };
int SecondPanel[3][3][4]       = { {{9 , green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {10, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {11, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] }} , {{12, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {13, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {14, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] }} , {{15, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {16, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] } , {17, green[0] , green[1] , green[2] }} };
int ThirdPanel[3][3][4]        = { {{18, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {19, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {20, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]}} , {{21, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {22, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {23, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]}} , {{24, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {25, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]} , {26, violet[0], violet[1], violet[2]}} };
int FourthPanel[3][3][4]       = { {{27, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {28, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {29, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  }} , {{30, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {31, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {32, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  }} , {{33, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {34, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  } , {35, blue[0]  , blue[1]  , blue[2]  }} };
int FifthPanel[3][3][4]        = { {{36, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {37, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {38, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] }} , {{39, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {40, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {41, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] }} , {{42, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {43, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] } , {44, white[0] , white[1] , white[2] }} };
int SixPanel[3][3][4]          = { {{45, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {46, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {47, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]}} , {{48, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {49, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {50, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]}} , {{51, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {52, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]} , {53, yellow[0], yellow[1], yellow[2]}} }; 

//Horizontal movement
int horizontalFirst[3][3]      = {{0,1,2}    , {3,4,5}    , {6,7,8}   };
int horizontalSecond[3][3]     = {{9,10,11}  , {12,13,14} , {15,16,17}};
int horizontalThird[3][3]      = {{18,19,20} , {21,22,23} , {24,25,26}};
int horizontalFourth[3][3]     = {{27,28,29} , {30,31,32} , {33,34,35}};

//left vertical movement
int leftVerticalFirst[3][3]    = {{2,5,8}    , {1,4,7}    , {0,3,6}   };
int leftVerticalFifth[3][3]    = {{38,41,44} , {37,40,43} , {36,39,42}};
int leftVerticalThird[3][3]    = {{24,21,18} , {25,22,19} , {26,23,20}};
int leftVerticalSix[3][3]      = {{47,50,53} , {46,49,52} , {45,48,51}};

//right vertical movement
int rightVerticalFourth[3][3]  = {{29,32,35} , {28,31,34} , {27,30,33}};
int rightVerticalFifth[3][3]   = {{44,43,42} , {41,40,39} , {38,37,36}};
int rightVerticalSix[3][3]     = {{45,46,47} , {48,49,50} , {51,52,53}};
int rightVerticalSecond[3][3]  = {{15,12,9}  , {16,13,10} , {17,14,11}};

int incoming;
int tl, currentTL;
int tm, currentTM;
int tr, currentTR;
int ml, currentML;
int mm, currentMM;
int mr, currentMR;
int bl, currentBL;
int bm, currentBM;
int br, currentBR;

int lampSwitch = 2;
int pot = A0;
int colorVal;
int sensVal;

int rotVal;
int curRotVal;

int rotValTwo;
int curRotValTwo;

unsigned long time;

void setup() {

    // put your setup code here, to run once:

    pinMode(lampSwitch , INPUT);
    pinMode(pot        , INPUT);
    pinMode(ledPin     , OUTPUT);

    curRotVal = analogRead(pot);


    currentTL = 0;
    currentTM = 0;
    currentTR = 0;
    currentML = 0;
    currentMM = 0;
    currentMR = 0;
    currentBL = 0;
    currentBM = 0;
    currentBR = 0;


void loop() {
	// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
	if (digitalRead(lampSwitch) == HIGH) {
	    colorVal = map(analogRead(pot),0,1024,0,255);
	    for(int i = 0 ; i < rubikLight.numPixels() ; i++) {

	} else if (digitalRead(lampSwitch) == LOW) {

        for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
	    	for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(FirstPanel[row][col][0], FirstPanel[row][col][1], FirstPanel[row][col][2], FirstPanel[row][col][3]);
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(SecondPanel[row][col][0], SecondPanel[row][col][1], SecondPanel[row][col][2], SecondPanel[row][col][3]);
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(ThirdPanel[row][col][0], ThirdPanel[row][col][1], ThirdPanel[row][col][2], ThirdPanel[row][col][3]);
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(FourthPanel[row][col][0], FourthPanel[row][col][1], FourthPanel[row][col][2], FourthPanel[row][col][3]);
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(FifthPanel[row][col][0], FifthPanel[row][col][1], FifthPanel[row][col][2], FifthPanel[row][col][3]);
	    		rubikLight.setPixelColor(SixPanel[row][col][0], SixPanel[row][col][1], SixPanel[row][col][2], SixPanel[row][col][3]);	    		

		if(controller.available() > 0) {

		    incoming =;

		    if(incoming == 'A') {
		    	tl = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("TL ");

		    if(incoming == 'B') {
		    	tm = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("TM ");

		    if(incoming == 'C') {
		    	tr = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("TR ");

		    if(incoming == 'D') {
		    	ml = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("ML ");

		    if(incoming == 'E') {
		    	mm = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("MM ");

		    if(incoming == 'F') {
		    	mr = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("MR ");

		    if(incoming == 'G') {
		    	bl = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("BL ");

		    if(incoming == 'H') {
		    	bm = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("BM ");

		    if(incoming == 'T') {
		    	br = controller.parseInt();
		    	cubik.print("BR ");

// Horizontal sides move

		    //rotate leds top horizontal line

		    if( currentTL - tl >= 2) {

	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[0][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferTH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferTH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferTH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferTH[0];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferTH[1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferTH[2];

	            //move right

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    topBufferOne[i] = FifthPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferTwo[i] = FifthPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                topBufferThree[i] = FifthPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                topBufferFour[i] = FifthPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferFive[i] = FifthPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                topBufferSix[i] = FifthPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferSeven[i] = FifthPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                topBufferEight[i] = FifthPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 36 to 42
		            FifthPanel[0][0][i + 1] = topBufferSix[i];
	                // 37 to 39
		            FifthPanel[0][1][i + 1] = topBufferFour[i];
                    // 38 to 36
		            FifthPanel[0][2][i + 1] = topBufferOne[i];

	                //second row 39 to 43
		            FifthPanel[1][0][i + 1] = topBufferSeven[i];
	                // 41 to 37
		            FifthPanel[1][2][i + 1] = topBufferTwo[i];

	                //third row 42 to 44
		            FifthPanel[2][0][i + 1] = topBufferEight[i];
                    // 43 to 41
		            FifthPanel[2][1][i + 1] = topBufferFive[i];
	                // 44 to 38
		            FifthPanel[2][2][i + 1] = topBufferThree[i];


	            currentTL = tl;

                cubik.print("CurrentTL ");

 		    } else if (tl - currentTL >= 2) {
	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[0][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferTH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferTH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferTH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferTH[0];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferTH[1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferTH[2];

	            //move left

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    topBufferOne[i] = FifthPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferTwo[i] = FifthPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                topBufferThree[i] = FifthPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                topBufferFour[i] = FifthPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferFive[i] = FifthPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                topBufferSix[i] = FifthPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                topBufferSeven[i] = FifthPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                topBufferEight[i] = FifthPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 36 to 38
		            FifthPanel[0][0][i + 1] = topBufferThree[i];
	                // 37 to 41
		            FifthPanel[0][1][i + 1] = topBufferFive[i];
                    // 38 to 44
		            FifthPanel[0][2][i + 1] = topBufferEight[i];

	                //second row 39 to 37
		            FifthPanel[1][0][i + 1] = topBufferTwo[i];
	                // 41 to 43
		            FifthPanel[1][2][i + 1] = topBufferSeven[i];

	                //third row 42 to 36
		            FifthPanel[2][0][i + 1] = topBufferOne[i];
                    // 43 to 39
		            FifthPanel[2][1][i + 1] = topBufferFour[i];
	                // 44 to 42
		            FifthPanel[2][2][i + 1] = topBufferSix[i];


	            currentTL = tl;

                cubik.print("CurrentTL ");



	        //rotate leds middle horizontal line

		    if( currentTM - tm >= 2) {

	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[1][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferMH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferMH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferMH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferMH[0];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferMH[1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferMH[2];


	            currentTM = tm;

                cubik.print("CurrentTM ");

 		    } else if (tm - currentTM >= 2) {
	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[1][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferMH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferMH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferMH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferMH[0];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferMH[1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferMH[2];

	            currentTM = tm;

                cubik.print("CurrentTM ");



			//rotate leds bottom horizontal line

		    if( currentTR - tr >= 2) {

	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[2][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferBH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferBH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferBH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferBH[0];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferBH[1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferBH[2];


	            //move right

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    bottomBufferOne[i] = SixPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferTwo[i] = SixPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferThree[i] = SixPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferFour[i] = SixPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferFive[i] = SixPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferSix[i] = SixPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferSeven[i] = SixPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferEight[i] = SixPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 45 to 47
		            SixPanel[0][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferThree[i];
	                // 46 to 50
		            SixPanel[0][1][i + 1] = bottomBufferFive[i];
                    // 47 to 53
		            SixPanel[0][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferEight[i];

	                //second row 48 to 46
		            SixPanel[1][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferTwo[i];
	                // 50 to 52
		            SixPanel[1][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferSeven[i];

	                //third row 51 to 45
		            SixPanel[2][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferOne[i];
                    // 52 to 48
		            SixPanel[2][1][i + 1] = bottomBufferFour[i];
	                // 53 to 51
		            SixPanel[2][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferSix[i];


	            currentTR = tr;

                cubik.print("CurrentTR ");

 		    } else if (tr - currentTR >= 2) {
	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

			            	if ( horizontalFirst[2][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] ) {

			            		colorBufferBH[0] = FourthPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferBH[1] = FourthPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferBH[2] = FourthPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FourthPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FourthPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[i][j][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][1]  = SecondPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][2]  = SecondPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[i][j][3]  = SecondPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SecondPanel[i][j][1] = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][2] = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
		                        SecondPanel[i][j][3] = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FirstPanel[i][j][1]  = colorBufferBH[0];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][2]  = colorBufferBH[1];
		                        FirstPanel[i][j][3]  = colorBufferBH[2];

	            //move left

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    bottomBufferOne[i] = SixPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferTwo[i] = SixPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferThree[i] = SixPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferFour[i] = SixPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferFive[i] = SixPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferSix[i] = SixPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferSeven[i] = SixPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                bottomBufferEight[i] = SixPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 45 to 51
		            SixPanel[0][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferSix[i];
	                // 46 to 48
		            SixPanel[0][1][i + 1] = bottomBufferFour[i];
                    // 47 to 45
		            SixPanel[0][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferOne[i];

	                //second row 48 to 50
		            SixPanel[1][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferFive[i];
	                // 50 to 46
		            SixPanel[1][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferTwo[i];

	                //third row 51 to 53
		            SixPanel[2][0][i + 1] = bottomBufferEight[i];
                    // 52 to 46
		            SixPanel[2][1][i + 1] = bottomBufferTwo[i];
	                // 53 to 47
		            SixPanel[2][2][i + 1] = bottomBufferThree[i];


	            currentTR = tr;

                cubik.print("CurrentTR ");


// Left Vertical

			//rotate lEDs left vertical left line

		    if( currentMR - mr >= 2) {

	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	            			for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)

			            	if ( leftVerticalFirst[0][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] && leftVerticalThird[0][k] == ThirdPanel[l][m][0]) {

			            		colorBufferLVL[0]      = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferLVL[1]      = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferLVL[2]      = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FirstPanel[i][j][1] = SixPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][2] = SixPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][3] = SixPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SixPanel[i][j][1]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][1];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][2]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][2];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][3]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][1] = FifthPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][2] = FifthPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][3] = FifthPanel[i][j][3];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][1] = colorBufferLVL[0];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][2] = colorBufferLVL[1];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][3] = colorBufferLVL[2];



	            //move right

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    leftBufferOne[i] = SecondPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferTwo[i] = SecondPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                leftBufferThree[i] = SecondPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                leftBufferFour[i] = SecondPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferFive[i] = SecondPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                leftBufferSix[i] = SecondPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferSeven[i] = SecondPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                leftBufferEight[i] = SecondPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 9 to 15
		            SecondPanel[0][0][i + 1] = leftBufferSix[i];
	                // 10 to 12
		            SecondPanel[0][1][i + 1] = leftBufferFour[i];
                    // 11 to 9
		            SecondPanel[0][2][i + 1] = leftBufferOne[i];

	                //second row 12 to 16
		            SecondPanel[1][0][i + 1] = leftBufferSeven[i];
	                // 14 to 10
		            SecondPanel[1][2][i + 1] = leftBufferTwo[i];

	                //third row 15 to 17
		            SecondPanel[2][0][i + 1] = leftBufferEight[i];
                    // 16 to 14
		            SecondPanel[2][1][i + 1] = leftBufferFive[i];
	                // 17 to 11
		            SecondPanel[2][2][i + 1] = leftBufferThree[i];


	            currentMR = mr;

                cubik.print("CurrentMR ");

 		    } else if ( mr - currentMR >= 2) {
	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	            			for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)

			            	if ( leftVerticalFirst[0][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] && leftVerticalThird[0][k] == ThirdPanel[l][m][0]) {

			            		colorBufferLVL[0]      = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferLVL[1]      = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferLVL[2]      = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FirstPanel[i][j][1] = FifthPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][2] = FifthPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][3] = FifthPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FifthPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[l][m][1];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[l][m][2];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[l][m][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][1] = SixPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][2] = SixPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][3] = SixPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SixPanel[i][j][1]   = colorBufferLVL[0];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][2]   = colorBufferLVL[1];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][3]   = colorBufferLVL[2];


	            //move left

	            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    leftBufferOne[i] = SecondPanel[0][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferTwo[i] = SecondPanel[0][1][i + 1];
	                leftBufferThree[i] = SecondPanel[0][2][i + 1];
	                leftBufferFour[i] = SecondPanel[1][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferFive[i] = SecondPanel[1][2][i + 1];
	                leftBufferSix[i] = SecondPanel[2][0][i + 1];
	                leftBufferSeven[i] = SecondPanel[2][1][i + 1];
	                leftBufferEight[i] = SecondPanel[2][2][i + 1];

	                //first row 9 to 11
		            SecondPanel[0][0][i + 1] = leftBufferThree[i];
	                // 10 to 14
		            SecondPanel[0][1][i + 1] = leftBufferFive[i];
                    // 11 to 17
		            SecondPanel[0][2][i + 1] = leftBufferEight[i];

	                //second row 12 to 10
		            SecondPanel[1][0][i + 1] = leftBufferTwo[i];
	                // 14 to 16
		            SecondPanel[1][2][i + 1] = leftBufferSeven[i];

	                //third row 15 to 9
		            SecondPanel[2][0][i + 1] = leftBufferOne[i];
                    // 16 to 12
		            SecondPanel[2][1][i + 1] = leftBufferFour[i];
	                // 17 to 15
		            SecondPanel[2][2][i + 1] = leftBufferSix[i];


	            currentMR = mr;

                cubik.print("CurrentMR ");



			//rotate lEDs left vertical middle line

		    if( currentMM - mm >= 2) {

	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	            			for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)

			            	if ( leftVerticalFirst[1][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] && leftVerticalThird[1][k] == ThirdPanel[l][m][0]) {

			            		colorBufferLVM[0]      = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferLVM[1]      = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferLVM[2]      = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FirstPanel[i][j][1] = SixPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][2] = SixPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][3] = SixPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SixPanel[i][j][1]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][1];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][2]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][2];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][3]   = ThirdPanel[l][m][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][1] = FifthPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][2] = FifthPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][3] = FifthPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FifthPanel[i][j][1] = colorBufferLVM[0];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][2] = colorBufferLVM[1];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][3] = colorBufferLVM[2];



	            currentMM = mm;

                cubik.print("CurrentMM ");

 		    } else if ( mm - currentMM >= 2) {
	            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	            	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	            		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	            			for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)

			            	if ( leftVerticalFirst[1][k] == FirstPanel[i][j][0] && leftVerticalThird[1][k] == ThirdPanel[l][m][0]) {

			            		colorBufferLVM[0]      = FirstPanel[i][j][1];
			            		colorBufferLVM[1]      = FirstPanel[i][j][2];
			            		colorBufferLVM[2]      = FirstPanel[i][j][3];

			                    FirstPanel[i][j][1] = FifthPanel[i][j][1];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][2] = FifthPanel[i][j][2];
			                    FirstPanel[i][j][3] = FifthPanel[i][j][3];

		                        FifthPanel[i][j][1] = ThirdPanel[l][m][1];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][2] = ThirdPanel[l][m][2];
		                        FifthPanel[i][j][3] = ThirdPanel[l][m][3];

		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][1] = SixPanel[i][j][1];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][2] = SixPanel[i][j][2];
		                        ThirdPanel[l][m][3] = SixPanel[i][j][3];

		                        SixPanel[i][j][1]   = colorBufferLVM[0];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][2]   = colorBufferLVM[1];
		                        SixPanel[i][j][3]   = colorBufferLVM[2];



	            currentMM = mm;

                cubik.print("CurrentMM ");


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Natthakit KIMBAB Kang
11 projects • 74 followers
Natthakit Kangsadansenanon is an artist from Thailand. He is interested in incorporating the digital technologies into the existing objects.


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