September 20, 2016 © GPL3+LINX 3.0 - 06 | Deploying A Startup Executable
This tutorial describes the process of creating a startup executable from a VI and deploying it to run each time the LINX device starts.
BeginnerProtip15 minutes1,494 Things used in this project
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- Open the LabVIEW project created in the previous tutorial.
- Expand the LINX target (BBB or RPI).
- Right Build Specifications and choose New»Real-Time Application.
- Rename the build specification.
- Click the Source Files section on the left side of the dialog.
- Under Project Files select the top level VI ( in the example) and click the right arrow to add it to Startup VIs.
- Right click the new build specification and choose Build.
- Right click the new build specification and choose Run as Startup.
- Click Yes to reboot the target.
- The VI will now run whenever the target is powered on.
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