This application is very similar to MicroViewer, but it can also record video. It can also start recording and stop her, using external commands (through the slots).
This is not one of the usual applications that, When you press “Start”, It takes two seconds to start recording, but a real precision scientific instrument.
With “Start” recording starts instantaneously and with “Stop” instantly stops. Then you can, for example,, place it in a machine tool, and document rare events, that would otherwise be difficult to grasp. Or film the passage of animals that are moving fast. Or even perform scientific experiments, that require a precise correspondence between the frames and the real time.
These amazing features were developed by Nick, a Chinese engineer highly arranged. Without him we wouldn't have accomplished this application.
The recording format XVID
The recording files are compressed in XVID format, the only format that allows a precise control of timing of individual frames.
If XVID is not already in the system, You can easily install, with the button “XVID Install”, located at the top of the application.
Recording command slots
In the boxes “Start” and “Save on” you set a number of slots. This number can be “-1”, If you want to disable, or from 0 to 999 to indicate which Slots use.
If you keep them both with the same number of slots, for example, “1”, When the slot value exceeds the 500 starts recording. Then, When it drops below 500, the recording stops.
Download Theremino MicroVideo – Version 1.6Theremino_MicroVideo_V1.6
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