Mindwave is a brainwave sensor produced by Neurosky.
This is the cheapest model of EEG sensor among those currently on the market. If you want to buy it, Amazon sells it at a price lower than that of the manufacturer's website.
MindwaveBridge is a software that acts as a bridge between the Mindwave and Theremino the system and allows you to use all the data coming from the sensor (attention, meditation and the frequency bands), freely configurable slots available.
How it WorksThe image of Theremino Master near the Mindwave is only indicative. To send data from Mindwave to other software systems (for example the synthesizer Theremin), the Master is not required - just the “Theremino Mindwave Bridge” software, which is free.
In our tests, we sent the raw data to Theremino SoundPlayer to emit sampled sounds; frequency modulated by mental waves. But this software opens the door to all kinds of experiments, limited only by imagination. For example, you could use ThereminoScript to move engines on mental commands or switch on Chromotherapy LEDs and induction of relaxation feedback.
ATTENTION: Before thinking of using the mind to control complex operations, keep in mind the limits of this technology. Read this page: http://www.theremino.com/blog/biometry
Download Theremino Mindwave Bridge – Version 1.6 Theremino_MindwaveBridge_V 1.6
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