A triple Channel VFO capable of generating frequencies between 8kHz to 160Mhz using an off-the-shelf SI5351 module.
A wireless headset which allows you to control devices through cerebral waves. It works with two sensors and a Bluetooth shield.
Display the results from the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor on an LCD display using 433MHz transmitter and receiver.
Motor driven is the key of automation. In this chapter, I try to show how Raspberry Pi control ABB motor Driver by using RS485.
In this Tutorial we will learn how to make a Frequency Signal Generator using a AD9850 module and Arduino.
An introduction to the cool new SDR radio!
A very simple FM blocker circuit works within 10 meters of range. Let's build one with theoretical approach.
Timer one is used in this code and using this the Arduino crystal clock is divided into various small parts microseconds are used for freq.
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple Frequency Counter using Arduino. Watch the video!
Creating a low cost shield that aids and simplifies IoT and Smart home automation
Learn how to make a Pulse Generator with a Frequency Sweep.
let's build a circuit to repel the female mosquitoes making noise in your ears and saying "I will bite you soon".
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Pulse Generator with a Frequency Sweep using DDS Frequency Signal Generator AD9850.
Simple FM stereo receiver based on QN8035 for Raspberry Pi.
This little gadget changes the frequency emitted to a small speaker, allowing you to visualize the changing waveform on an oscilloscope.
In this tutorial we will learn how to control the LED Blinking pulses with a potentiometer. Watch a demonstration video.
In this tutorial we will use a LASER Module & Arduino UNO and Visuino to make it change it's brightness using Pulse Width Modulation PWM
Building an FM Transmitter and broadcasting our own signals on the air is really a fun project to do.
The incoming data from the sensor are sent to the slots to allow all kinds of interaction with actuators using your brain.
In this tutorial we will explore how to control a PWM Signal Generator Module XY-LPWM using Arduino and Visuino. Watch the Video!
This Astable multivibrator is used to generate the PWM signal. Basically a rectangular signal of variable duty cycle and frequency.
Project from Digilent Design Contest.
Check out the features of this small, but serious Tesla Coil with flat "pancake" secondary.
In this tutorial we will learn how to play a diferent frequency tones with the Arduino. Watch the Video!