Lorenz Nimmervoll
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

WiFi Controlled Desk Lamp

A WiFi controlled desk light, essential for every maker and a great way to get into coding.

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours3,083
WiFi Controlled Desk Lamp

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Espressif Wemos D1 mini
2m WS2812B LED Strip IP30
choose IP30, any other rating will not fit!
Gravity: Analog Sound Sensor For Arduino
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Sound Sensor For Arduino
SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional
SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional
optional, required if the LEDs 'glitch'
3 pin wire
12x M3 * 8mm bolts
M3 Nuts
Female Power Jack

Software apps and online services

ESP8266 - FastLED - Desk Light

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
White PLA
Black PLA


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

3D Files (STL)

Make sure you print the diffuser in white with 100% infill!


Schematic without the Logic Level Shifter

Schematic with the Logic Level Converter (used when the LEDs 'glitch')


ESP8266 FastLED desk light

The software runs on the ESP8266. The web app is stored in SPIFFS (on-board flash memory). I've forked jasoncoon's esp8266 fastled webserver and added some extra functionality, made a proper config area and created custom patterns for the lamp. The software and detailed setup instructions can be found on GitHub. For beginners I would recommend watching this setup tutorial.


Lorenz Nimmervoll
1 project • 5 followers
Austrian 3D-Printing enthusiast that loves making cool stuff :D
Thanks to jasoncoon.


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