Laurentiu Palcu
Published © GPL3+

Foldable Electronic Chess Board

If you're tired playing chess in front of your PC, or smartphone, or want to teach your kid this game, then this project might help you out.

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Foldable Electronic Chess Board

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Foldable number 6 chess board set
Intel Edison mini breakout board
12V/2A DC Power supply
Any brand will do.
Atmel Atmega8-16PU
I actually used MAX7219CNG but it's been discontinued
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
4 digit, 7 segment, common cathode clock display
3mm, flat head, green led
14mm, normally open, reed relay
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
3mm, no edge, green led
DC 5.5mm x 2.5mm power supply socket
3mm, 1500mm x 500mm, Lexan (Polycarbonate) sheet
If you can find a smaller sheet size, take it. You don't need this much.
AWG 30 wrapping wire
10mm x 1mm Neodymium magnets
1mm x 150mm x 150mm felt
Universal adhesive for wood, plastic, metal
6pin Dupont connector
5pin Dupont connector
2pin Dupont connector
6x6x18mm push button
Perf board
AWG 22 wire
Heat-shrink tube
You'll have to look on the schematics for the exact number and values.
You'll have to look on the schematics for the exact number and values.
Ribbon wire

Software apps and online services

Yocto Linux
Stockfish chess engine
ProDeo 3200 chess openings database

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill machine
Sand paper
3mm drill bit for wood
10mm drill bit for wood
Wire wrapping tool
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
crimping tool
Digital Caliper


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Top Controller schematics

Bottom Controller schematics

Command Panel schematics



This is what runs on the Top Half, Bottom Half and Command controllers.

Host side software

This is what runs on Intel Edison.

Stockfish chess engine

This is the chess engine, used by the host side software.


Laurentiu Palcu
1 project • 8 followers
An engineer that likes to mess around with hardware, Linux, drivers and, occasionally, play guitar.


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