Chess board with computer vision, generative AI from Google (Gemini) or Anthropic (Claude), Stockfish running on your smartphone.
Chess processor with GUI dedicated for Arduino Mega.
It uses a 3D printed robot arm from free resources with my code to recognise the human moves and control the arm
If you're tired playing chess in front of your PC, or smartphone, or want to teach your kid this game, then this project might help you out.
In addition to my Arduino Mega Chess project, I decided to create chess coprocessor. GUI will remain on Arduino with touchscreen.
It uses a 3D printed SCARA robot arm from free resources with my code to recognise the human moves and control the arm
Developing an automatic chessboard. Our main goal is to recover the experience and unmatched feeling of playing OTB.
Chess processor with GUI dedicated for Arduino Mega ported to M5stack.
A chess program for Arduino UNO with a only 2k engine.
Creative approach to building electronic chessboard upon RFID technology, Hall effect sensors, and Arduino Mega.
Link an Arduino Uno with WiFi to the lichess. org API to play online chess the old fashioned way.
The aim of the project is to play chess in a completely automated environment.
A 3D Printed Chess Set and Board.
Say Alexa the move, it is automated using the xy plotter that we have made especially for Chess.
Square Off is a tangible chess board on which you can play chess against the AI or challenge any friends across the globe- 11th Oct, On KS.
Created a chess clock using arduino uno and Sure Electronics Led Dot Matrix.
It will show you the ways the pawn can move. Or if you move with Knight, it will draw you an "L". So you will never forget
An arduino nano based chess clock for a lunch break game, implementing the increment clock.
Playing chess with casual opponents, enjoying the game and playing safe, keeping the social distance in the post-Covid era
How to combine chess and running? How to get kids more interested into chess?
Arduino Mega 2560 will solve Knight's Tour problem using Back Tracking Algorithm.
Alexa Powered Lego Chess Player