In the Arduino DC ammeter circuit, the analog input A0 and GND are connected across the two terminals of the shunt resistor R. By taking the voltage difference between the input A0 and GND we can obtain the voltage across the resistance R. From the value of voltage measured across the shunt resistance, we calculate the current through the circuit by applying Ohms Law, The voltage drop across Resistor, V = I R Then the current, I = V/R Then the current through the circuit is equal to the voltage across the shunt resistor divided by the known shunt resistance value.
In the circuit, it is shown that how a current through an LED is Measuring using Arduino DC ammeter. The LED, 1kΩ shunt resistor and a 1kΩ resistor are in series, thus the current through them is always the same value. Then it can be calculated that the current through the LED is the voltage drop across the 1kΩ shunt resistance divided by shunt resistance value 1000. I = Vacross / 1000.
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