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Use Gestures to Control YouTube Playback with Arduino

Wave your hand to fast forward, pause or go to next video. All you need are an Arduino-compatible microcontroller board and an IR sensor.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,509

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeeduino V4.2
Seeed Studio Seeeduino V4.2
Seeed Studio Grove - Human Presence Sensor

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
VS Code
Microsoft VS Code


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Hardware connection

Connect the seeeduino board, IR sensor, and your computer


Arduino signal recognition code

Copy and paste it into your Arduino IDE to capture hand motions.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Math.h>
#include "Grove_Human_Presence_Sensor.h"

AK9753 movementSensor;

float ir2, ir4;       //variables to store your sensor data
float diff24;         //variable to store the difference between the left and right sensor
float tempDiff = 0.0; //variable to store the current diff24. 
                      //This variable is used to test whether the diff24 is going up or going down.
float temp;
float mov;            //variable to store the difference of 2 diff24

void setup()  //set up movement sensor


    //Turn on sensor
    if (movementSensor.initialize() == false)
        Serial.println("Device not found. Check wiring.");
        while (1)

void loop()

    if (movementSensor.dataReady())
        ir2 = movementSensor.getIR2(); 
        ir4 = movementSensor.getIR4();       //get sensor data
        temp = movementSensor.getTMP();


        diff24 = ir2 - ir4;
        float mov = diff24 - tempDiff; 
        if (abs(mov) > 60)    // Determine whether there is a movement
            if (mov > 60)    //Determine the movement direction
            if (mov < -60)
            delay(500);      //We don't want to trigger multiple signals during one hand waving.So once the detection was triggered we will delay the sensor reading data for 0.5 second.
            if (movementSensor.dataReady())   //As the sensor is delayed, so the diff24 value is still the one we calculated 0.5 seconds before.So we use the following code to refresh the diff24 data.
                ir2 = movementSensor.getIR2();
                ir4 = movementSensor.getIR4();
                temp = movementSensor.getTMP();

                diff24 = ir2 - ir4;
            tempDiff = diff24;

Python code to control your keyboard

Control your keyboard based on the signal captured from Arduino
import serial
import time
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller

keyboard = Controller()

arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbmodem14101', 9600)
time.sleep = 1  #pause 1 seconds for python to connect with arduino

while 1:
    incoming = str(
        arduino.readline())  #read the serial data and print it as line

    if 'right' in incoming:
        for i in range(4):
            keyboard.press(Key.right)    #the press function will keep pressing the key for a short while
            keyboard.release(Key.right)  #So release the key once its pressed

    if 'left' in incoming:
        for i in range(4):
    incoming = " "  #refresh the incoming data


5 projects • 7 followers
A soft and hardware engineer motivated by interest and fun


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