DIY jump scare portrait from scratch using Raspberry Pi 3 B, Python and AtmosFX Videos unliving portraits.
A touchless automatic motion sensor trash can.
Do you want to tighten your security? Want to know who is entering your room and capture their picture with an old smartphone and Arduino?
It's a simple surveillance system with motion detection and sends you the live image when motion detected using Telegram
How to build a simple application that detects motion and sends notifications to the your smart phone using Raspberry Pi and camera module.
Use object detection to let your cat in and out of the house with a motion-activated pet door.
SilverStride aims to help the elderly and old folks to keep active and healthy without any human assistance.
Capture photos with Raspberry Pi when motion is detected and upload them to Azure Cloud Storage where you can monitor the data online.
Code and explanation for getting directional and motion data from the raw sensor outputs.
Tutorial to build a home security system with Raspberry Pi and sending notifications with a Telegram bot.
Just before creating my next tutorial, which will be using a PIR sensor, I thought I might create a separate tutorial for PIR Sensor.
The system uses a PIR sensor to detect motion and send to the Arduino, which in turn triggers a buzzer and LED simultaneously.
Arduino Uno alarm that detects movement, alerts when triggered, can be armed and disarmed via keypad and displays status on an LCD.
PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small
Using the RCWL-0516 radar sensor to detect motion.
The purpose of this project is a automatic open-close door system by detecting body temperature. To Avoid spreading Covid-19.
A small compact outdoor motion-activated Halloween scare box with sound and optional light.
Leds activated by a PIR module. Placed under the bed it's quite effective . This device assists people waking up night-time.
Reduce waste and save some bucks refilling your bottles with cleaning products from Ecofill vending machine. It's easy to save the planet!
Sony Spresense Board + NodeMCU + Google Firebase + Android Studio
Quick project to interface PIR sensor to Raspberry Pi.
Keep unwanted visitors off your premises without relying on WiFi, and get a text message whenever a threat has presented itself!
This is a trail camera that will notify you using a cellular network that there has been activity nearby.
This project will tell you, step by step, how to make a 3D mouse using Arduino Pro Micro and a 9DOF IMU, with a couple lines of code.