Ecofill - Reuse and Refill Bottles on This Vending Machine

Reduce waste and save some bucks refilling your bottles with cleaning products from Ecofill vending machine. It's easy to save the planet!

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

Proximity Sensor- Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Module
KEMET Electronics Corporation Proximity Sensor- Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Module
KEMET Electronics Corporation CT-07-1000
SkyKontrol Modules (available in project GitHub)
Coin Acceptor (Multi Coin, pulse interface)
HTS-40F-12 Power Supply (12V@3.5A)
High Flow Peristaltic Pump
Transformer 127Vac to 24 Vac
Push Button - Panel Mount (Normally Open)
Led Lamp 24Vac - Panel Mount

Software apps and online services

Web Server (LAMP)
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microchip MPLAB X IDE


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IoT Controller

This is the schematic for the main control module.

Power Meter

This is the schematic for the power meter module.

Smart Display

This is the schematic for the smart display module.

Slot Expansion

This is the schematic for the slot expansion module.


This is the schematic for the datalogger module.

Level Sensor

This is the schematic for the level sensor module.


SkyKontrol Hardware and Software

This is are the circuit boards, firmware and web platform used for EcoFill vending machine.


Danica Fernandez
5 projects • 29 followers
I am a trans girl who likes to make robots, program and get messy with electronics. I am the queen of embedded systems ;)
Emilio Chalita Aceves
0 projects • 0 followers
Artista apasionado en la robotica y programación


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