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Ming Liu
Published © Apache-2.0

Stream Utility Meter Reading and Vehicle Location to Cloud

Raspberry Pi based tools on board utility vehicles to live stream drive-by meter readings and GPS locations to Google Cloud.

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Stream Utility Meter Reading and Vehicle Location to Cloud

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Handle all the data collection, processing and communication. Also serves as cloud development platform.
Helium Ethernet Starter Kit (Raspberry Pi)
NESDR Mini 2
Summitlink External GPS Antenna Vk-162 for DIY ADS-B Remote Mount USB GPS

Software apps and online services

Google Maps
Google Maps


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There are two sub-directories in this bitbucket repository: raspberrypi and webapp. The former contains all the codes for running in Raspberry Pi and the latter is for web and database application in Google IoT and compute engine.


Ming Liu

Ming Liu

1 project • 1 follower
