A simple Non-Invasive Smart Electricity Meter using Spark Core
Open source Smart energy monitor with some new features like Terminal Commands, Readings Logger, and Data Plotting.
Sigfox is a French company founded in 2009 that builds wireless networks to connect low-energy objects.
This Smart Water Meter has an inductive proximity sensor connected to an ESP32 is programmed in ARDUINO and uses the BLYNK IoT platform.
It is like a mini atom bomb, In a piece of single code you will get a lot of features and I fully respect the effort of the owner.
let's measure the smallest resistance ever posses by any wire or any shunt. The proper use of OHM's law with practical.
Detecting home appliances from Voltage & Current waveform using Machine Learning and Monitoring Remotely.
Raspberry Pi based tools on board utility vehicles to live stream drive-by meter readings and GPS locations to Google Cloud.
A smart system that measures electrical parameters, uploads the readings to the cloud and logs the measured data to an SD card.
How to use the M-BUS (meter bus) to read smartmeters for electricity, gas, oil, heat etc. with the Raspberry Pi
P1 energy monitoring hub with Arduino MKR - WiFi
Get water meter data sent to your mobile phone using Wi-Fi. Made with ATtiny85 + ESP8266-01 + Blynk.cc and AA batteries.
This project is very help to measure the voltage ratings of a zener diode, Get PCB Gerber and circuit schematics from here.
A simple demo showing how Spresense could be retrofitted on a maching to digitize a mechanical gauge by using the camera and image analysis.
M5StickC + Angle unit = Protractor (detecting range: 0-180 degrees)
An auto ranging meter with diode/LED, resistance, capacitance, continuity testing capabilities. No Voltage or Current measurements !
Display a decibel meter on Wio Terminal with the accurate measurement!
Make your own smart energy meter that generates bill every minute which you can see on your smart phone or laptop
This is the one, who can communicate and gives the reading of exact voltage by speaking. Powered by Arduino, make this more cool.
MAX32625PICO board with Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/LoRa connectivity for smart farming, gas monitoring, remote IoT and environmental applications.
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Volume or Speed analog meter using the OLED display and Arduino. Watch the Video
Today we will propose a project that will make it possible to build a sound level meter with Seeeduino Wio Terminal.
SenseCAP AI sensor will bring digital transformation to the traditional meter industry.
The power monitor with the Matter protocol for devices in a smart house. It monitors the consuming power, the current and the voltage.