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sagar saini
Published © GPL3+

Arduino based Dual channel Oscilloscope

It is like a mini atom bomb, In a piece of single code you will get a lot of features and I fully respect the effort of the owner.

ExpertFull instructions provided2 hours13,881
Arduino based Dual channel Oscilloscope

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

Gerber files


Schematics PDF


Full code is in Hex format

frequency and duty cycle supporting libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Noriaki Mitsunaga

//int dataMin;                   // buffer minimum value (smallest=0)
//int dataMax;                   //        maximum value (largest=1023)
//int dataAve;                   // 10 x average value (use 10x value to keep accuracy. so, max=10230)
//int dataRms;                   // 10x rms. value

void dataAnalize() {                       // 波形の分析 get various information from wave form
  long d;
  long sum = 0;
  byte *waveBuff = data[sample+0];

  // search max and min value
  dataMin = 255;                          // min value initialize to big number
  dataMax = 0;                             // max value initialize to small number
  for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {     // serach max min value
    d = waveBuff[i];
    sum = sum + d;
    if (d < dataMin) {                     // update min
      dataMin = d;
    if (d > dataMax) {                     // updata max
      dataMax = d;

  // calculate average
  dataAve = (10 * sum + (SAMPLES / 2)) / SAMPLES;  // Average value calculation (calculated by 10 times to improve accuracy)

  // 実効値の計算 rms value calc.
//  sum = 0;
//  for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {     // バッファ全体に対し to all buffer
//    d = waveBuff[i] - (dataAve + 5) / 10;  // オーバーフロー防止のため生の値で計算(10倍しない)
//    sum += d * d;                          // 二乗和を積分
//  }
//  dataRms = sqrt(sum / SAMPLES);          // 実効値の10倍の値 get rms value

void freqDuty() {                               // 周波数とデューティ比を求める detect frequency and duty cycle value from waveform data
  int swingCenter;                              // center of wave (half of p-p)
  float p0 = 0;                                 // 1-st posi edge
  float p1 = 0;                                 // total length of cycles
  float p2 = 0;                                 // total length of pulse high time
  float pFine = 0;                              // fine position (0-1.0)
  float lastPosiEdge;                           // last positive edge position

  float pPeriod;                                // pulse period
  float pWidth;                                 // pulse width

  int p1Count = 0;                              // wave cycle count
  int p2Count = 0;                              // High time count

  boolean a0Detected = false;
  //  boolean b0Detected = false;
  boolean posiSerch = true;                     // true when serching posi edge

  swingCenter = (3 * (dataMin + dataMax)) / 2;  // calculate wave center value

  for (int i = 1; i < SAMPLES - 2; i++) {      // scan all over the buffer
    if (posiSerch == true) {   // posi slope (frequency serch)
      if ((sum3(i) <= swingCenter) && (sum3(i + 1) > swingCenter)) {  // if across the center when rising (+-3data used to eliminate noize)
        pFine = (float)(swingCenter - sum3(i)) / ((swingCenter - sum3(i)) + (sum3(i + 1) - swingCenter) );  // fine cross point calc.
        if (a0Detected == false) {              // if 1-st cross
          a0Detected = true;                    // set find flag
          p0 = i + pFine;                       // save this position as startposition
        } else {
          p1 = i + pFine - p0;                  // record length (length of n*cycle time)
        lastPosiEdge = i + pFine;               // record location for Pw calcration
        posiSerch = false;
    } else {   // nega slope serch (duration serch)
      if ((sum3(i) >= swingCenter) && (sum3(i + 1) < swingCenter)) {  // if across the center when falling (+-3data used to eliminate noize)
        pFine = (float)(sum3(i) - swingCenter) / ((sum3(i) - swingCenter) + (swingCenter - sum3(i + 1)) );
        if (a0Detected == true) {
          p2 = p2 + (i + pFine - lastPosiEdge); // calucurate pulse width and accumurate it
        posiSerch = true;

  if (p1Count > 0 && p2Count > 0) {
    pPeriod = p1 / p1Count;                 // pulse period
    pWidth  = p2 / p2Count;                 // pulse width
  } else {
    pPeriod = 1.0e+37;  // set huge period to get 0Hz
    pWidth  = 0;        // pulse width

  float fhref;
  if (rate > RATE_MAX) {    // Equivalent Time sampling
    fhref = ethref();
  } else {
    fhref = (float) pgm_read_dword(HREF + rate);
  waveFreq = 10.0e6 / (fhref * pPeriod); // frequency
  waveDuty = 100.0 * pWidth / pPeriod;                                        // duty ratio

int sum3(int k) {       // Sum of before and after and own value
  byte *waveBuff = data[sample+0];
  int m = waveBuff[k - 1] + waveBuff[k] + waveBuff[k + 1];
  return m;

float ethref() {
  float href = 0.625; // micro second
  if (rate == RATE_MAX + 2) href *= 2.0;
  else if (rate == RATE_MAX + 3) href *= 5.0;
  else if (rate == RATE_MAX + 4) href *= 10.0;
  else if (rate == RATE_MAX + 5) href *= 20.0;
  else if (rate == RATE_MAX + 6) href *= 50.0;
  else if (rate == RATE_MAX + 7) href *= 100.0;
  return href;


sagar saini
81 projects • 88 followers
I am Sagar Saini an electronic hardware enthusiast


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